C.R.S. Section 11-102-301
Examinations and examiner’s reports


The commissioner shall examine the books and records of every state bank as often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the banking board, shall make and file in his or her office a correct report in detail disclosing the results of such examination, and shall mail a copy of such report to the bank examined.


The commissioner shall examine, as often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the banking board, any electronic data processing centers of a state bank or any electronic data processing centers that serve a state bank, without regard to the location of the electronic data processing center; shall make and file in his or her office a correct report in detail disclosing the results of such examination; and shall mail a copy of such report to the data processing centers examined and the state bank that they serve.


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The commissioner, if he or she deems it necessary or if required by the banking board, may examine the books and records of the controlling shareholder of a state bank and any affiliated entities of the controlling shareholder, as well as any relationship among the controlling shareholder and its affiliated entities, for the purpose of determining the safety and soundness of the state bank.


If the controlling shareholder or affiliate’s records are located outside this state, the controlling shareholder or affiliate shall either make them available to the commissioner at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and necessary expenses for the commissioner or the commissioner’s representative to examine the records at the place where they are located.


The commissioner may designate representatives, including comparable officials of the state in which the records are located, to inspect the records on the commissioner’s behalf.


If a controlling shareholder or affiliate refuses to permit the commissioner to make an examination, the banking board may fine such controlling shareholder or affiliate an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each day any such refusal continues.


In lieu of any examination required by this subsection (3), the commissioner may accept an audit for the previous fiscal year prepared by an independent certified public accountant, independent registered accountant, or other independent qualified person. If the commissioner accepts an audit prepared by such independent person, no costs of the audit shall be borne by the commissioner and all costs of such audit shall remain the obligation of the controlling shareholder or affiliate.


For purposes of this subsection (3):


“Affiliated entity” or “affiliate” means an entity in control of a controlling shareholder or an entity controlled by a controlling shareholder.


“Controlling shareholder” means a shareholder in control of a state bank.


“In control of” means that an entity or shareholder meets the same criteria for acquiring control as is set forth in section 11-102-303 for acquiring control of a state bank.


If the commissioner deems necessary, the commissioner may examine any corporation the majority of the stock of which is owned by a state bank or which corporation is found by the banking board to be controlled by a state bank, but the provisions of this subsection (4) shall not apply when such stock is held in a fiduciary capacity by the bank.


If the banking board finds any officer, director, or employee of any state bank to be dishonest, reckless, incompetent, or acting in violation of this code, it shall, in writing, report the facts regarding such officer, director, or employee to the board of directors of the state bank, and, if the directors of the state bank fail or refuse to take action on such report within ten days, the banking board may, if it deems it advisable, send a copy of such report to the surety on the bond of said officer.

Source: Section 11-102-301 — Examinations and examiner’s reports, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Division of banking - creation - subject to termination - repeal of article
Powers of commissioner
Banking board - repeal
Powers and duties of banking board - fees - rules
Roles and authority of banking board and commissioner - rules - exercise of powers
Nontraditional mortgages - consumer protections - rules - incorporation of federal interagency guidance
Hearing officers - powers - procedure - order final
Subpoenas - witnesses - production of records
Effect of good faith reliance on orders or rules of banking board
Independent administrative review of material supervisory determinations - rules
Court review
Examinations and examiner’s reports
Bank reports to banking board - generally
Bank reports to banking board - requirements for acquiring control
Commissioner’s annual report - publications
Information confidential
Access to records
Bank records - preservation - reproduction
Division of banking cash fund - creation
Banking interests of officers and employees - violation
Exemption from liability - when
Assessment of civil money penalties by banking board
No indemnification or insurance against civil money penalties
Removal of director, officer, or other person
Suspension of director, officer, or other person
Informal enforcement authority
Statements derogatory to state banks - penalty
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 11-102-301’s source at colorado​.gov