C.R.S. Section 11-45-101
Conversion into federal association


Any savings and loan association or other home-financing organization, by whatever name or style it may be designated, which is eligible to become a federal savings and loan association may convert itself into a federal savings and loan association by the following procedure:


At any regular or special meeting of the shareholders of any such association called to consider such action and held in accordance with the laws governing such association, such shareholders, by an affirmative vote of the shareholders owning and voting the number of shares required for authorization of the sale of the association’s assets or required to accomplish a consolidation or a merger, whichever is the greater, present in person or by proxy, may declare by resolution the determination to convert said association into a federal savings and loan association.


A copy of the minutes of such meeting of the shareholders, verified by the affidavit of the president or vice-president and the secretary of the meeting, shall be filed within ten days after said meeting in the office or division of this state having supervision of such association. Such verified copy of the minutes of such meeting when so filed shall be presumptive evidence of the holding and of the action of such meeting.


Within a reasonable time and without any unnecessary delay after the adjournment of such meeting of shareholders, the association shall take such action as may be necessary to make it a federal savings and loan association, and, within ten days after receipt of the federal charter, there shall be filed in the office or division of this state having supervision of such association a copy of said charter issued to such association by the office of thrift supervision or its successor or a certificate showing the organization of such association as a federal savings and loan association certified by, or on behalf of, the office of thrift supervision or its successor. Upon the filing of such instrument, such association shall cease to be a state association and shall thereafter be a federal savings and loan association.

Source: Section 11-45-101 — Conversion into federal association, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 11-45-101’s source at colorado​.gov