C.R.S. Section 11-54-103
Refunding public securities

Any public securities issued by the state, or any public body thereof, may be refunded, without an election, by the state or public body issuing them, or any successor thereof, in the name of the state or public body issuing the public securities being refunded, but subject to provisions concerning their payment and to any other contractual limitations in the proceedings authorizing their issuance or otherwise appertaining thereto, pursuant to an ordinance to be adopted by the governing body of the issuer in the manner provided by law for the issuance of the public securities being refunded, to refund, pay, and discharge all or any part of such outstanding public securities, including any interest thereon in arrears or about to become due, or for the purpose of reducing interest costs or effecting other economies, or of modifying or eliminating restrictive contractual limitations appertaining to the issuance of additional public securities, or to any project appertaining thereto or any combination thereof.

Source: Section 11-54-103 — Refunding public securities, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 11-54-103’s source at colorado​.gov