C.R.S. Section 11-56-104.5
Disclosures by underwriters of financial matters related to refunding


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Whenever an underwriter proposes to refund the bonds of any public body, and competitive proposals have not been requested, the underwriter shall, simultaneously with the submission of the proposal, disclose, in writing, to the governing body of the public body, the entire income, from all sources, which he anticipates receiving if his proposal is accepted, specifying all such sources and amounts, as well as disclosing all expenses which he anticipates the public body will incur as a part of such refunding transaction. Any governing body may require such disclosure whenever any refunding proposals are to be considered.


The underwriter shall also provide the governing body of the public body with a comparison of annual debt service requirements before and after refunding, by year and amount, including funds which are required in addition to bond proceeds. Such comparison shall also show the present value of all annual differences in debt service requirements, using as a discount factor the net effective interest rate of the refunding bonds. All such figures shall be computed from the date on which the transaction is closed and shall include funds provided by the issuer as a reduction of, or an addition to, debt service requirements. Funds provided by the issuer in excess of accrued principal and interest, and earnings on the funds, over the life of, and compounded at the net effective interest rate of, the refunding bonds, shall also be disclosed.


The information specified in subsection (1) of this section shall be updated to the date of closing at the time of closing. Any governing body may require an additional disclosure at such time as final figures are available.

Source: Section 11-56-104.5 — Disclosures by underwriters of financial matters related to refunding, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 11-56-104.5’s source at colorado​.gov