C.R.S. Section 11-59-104
General powers of securities commissioner


The securities commissioner is hereby empowered to administer and enforce all provisions of this article and to provide the division with such books, records, files, and printing and other supplies and such officers and clerical and other assistance as may be necessary in the commissioner’s discretion to perform the duties required of the securities commissioner under this article, subject to appropriations made by the general assembly.


The securities commissioner shall make such rules, forms, and orders as are necessary to assure that bonds issued by a district shall meet certain prescribed investment criteria and shall not unduly burden future property owners in such district. To further effectuate the purposes of this article, the securities commissioner may, from time to time, make, amend, and rescind such rules and forms as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this article, including rules and forms governing applications for registration and reports and defining any terms, whether or not used in this article, insofar as the definitions are not inconsistent with the provisions of this article. For the purposes of rules and forms, the securities commissioner may classify bonds, issuers, and matters within the securities commissioner’s jurisdiction and prescribe different requirements for different classes.


No rule, form, or order shall be made, amended, or rescinded unless the securities commissioner finds that the action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors or present or future property owners and is consistent with the purposes and provisions of this article. In prescribing rules and forms, the securities commissioner may cooperate with the securities and exchange commission, the municipal securities rule-making board, the department of local affairs, and the state auditor with a view to effectuating this article and to achieving uniformity in the form and content of applications and reports wherever practicable.


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Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the securities commissioner may, by rule or order, prescribe the form and content of financial statements of persons other than districts required under this article, the circumstances under which consolidated financial statements shall be filed, and whether any required financial statements shall be certified by certified public accountants. Unless the commissioner by rule or order provides otherwise, a financial statement required of such persons under this article must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or other accounting principles or in such other form as may be prescribed for the issuer of the financial statement of such person by law.


Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the securities commissioner may, by rule or order, prescribe the form and content of supplemental financial information of districts required under this article. Any supplemental financial information required under this article must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or such other accounting principles or in such other form as are prescribed for the supplemental financial information of such district by law.


The securities commissioner may, by rule or order, establish standards and procedures for full disclosure to property owners in, and potential bond investors of, a district of such district’s current financial condition.


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The securities commissioner shall, by rule or order, require a special district to file with the securities commissioner a copy of the annual budget which such special district is required to file with the department of local affairs. Such budget shall not authorize the use of bond reserve funds or the proceeds of a sale or proposed sale of public facilities or improvements built or paid for with bond proceeds for bond payments without the prior written authorization of the securities commissioner.


The securities commissioner shall, by rule or order, require districts to file with the securities commissioner a copy of the annual audit required pursuant to section 29-1-603, C.R.S., at the same time as districts are required to file audits of such districts with the state auditor.


Where the application for registration of a special district is effective pursuant to section 11-59-108, the securities commissioner may, by rule or order, require such a special district to file with the audited statement a further disclosure statement setting forth credit and financial information which will assist existing and potential investors in evaluating the district’s ability to meet its debt service requirements, the enforcement of bondholders’ rights and remedies, and the attainment of growth projections set forth in any documents accompanying the registration application.


Any statements required to be filed pursuant to paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection (6) shall be made available to any person for inspection and copies thereof supplied as ordered by any person at a fee to be determined by the securities commissioner.


The securities commissioner shall, by rule or order, require that a district obtain prior written approval of the securities commissioner before making any use of the proceeds of a bond offering in a manner that is contrary in any material respect to the use of proceeds that was described in the application for registration and declared effective by the securities commissioner.


The securities commissioner shall, by rule or order, provide means by which bondholders, at their expense, may communicate with the holders of bonds of the same district so long as the confidentiality of the names and addresses of the bondholders is protected.


The securities commissioner may compile information and reports and may make recommendations to the general assembly and the governor for such action, including legislation, as may be deemed desirable to promote the financial integrity of all investments in obligations of instrumentalities of the state. For such purposes, the securities commissioner may require from instrumentalities of the state such reports and information as may be necessary to determine the financial stability of such instrumentalities and the financial character of their obligations.


All the powers of the securities commissioner described in this section relating to a district issuing bonds shall apply to any other taxing district signatory to a contract which pledges the revenues of such contract to the payment of the obligations of the issuing district.

Source: Section 11-59-104 — General powers of securities commissioner, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 11-59-104’s source at colorado​.gov