Legislative declaration 12‑155‑102
Applicability of common provisions 12‑155‑103
Definitions 12‑155‑104
State plumbing board - subject to review - repeal of article 12‑155‑105
Powers of board - fees - rules 12‑155‑106
Colorado plumbing code - amendments - variances - Colorado fuel gas code 12‑155‑107
Program administrator 12‑155‑108
Plumber must have license - registration - control and supervision - rules 12‑155‑109
Unauthorized advertising - use of title 12‑155‑110
License issuance - examination - rules 12‑155‑111
Credit for experience received outside of Colorado 12‑155‑112
License and registration renewal - fees - reinstatement - continuing education - rules 12‑155‑113
Disciplinary action by board - procedures - cease-and-desist orders 12‑155‑114
Reconsideration and review of board action 12‑155‑115
Judicial review 12‑155‑116
License by endorsement - rules 12‑155‑117
Temporary permits - rules 12‑155‑118
Exemptions 12‑155‑119
Plumbing inspectors - qualifications - enforcement of licensing and apprentice-supervision-ratio requirements - rules - legislative declaration - definitions 12‑155‑120
Inspection - plumbing permits - application - standards - definition 12‑155‑121
Municipal and county regulations 12‑155‑122
Unauthorized practice - penalties 12‑155‑123
Violation - fines - rules 12‑155‑124
Apprentices - rules
Legislative declaration 12‑155‑102
Applicability of common provisions 12‑155‑103
Definitions 12‑155‑104
State plumbing board - subject to review - repeal of article 12‑155‑105
Powers of board - fees - rules 12‑155‑106
Colorado plumbing code - amendments - variances - Colorado fuel gas code 12‑155‑107
Program administrator 12‑155‑108
Plumber must have license - registration - control and supervision - rules 12‑155‑109
Unauthorized advertising - use of title 12‑155‑110
License issuance - examination - rules 12‑155‑111
Credit for experience received outside of Colorado 12‑155‑112
License and registration renewal - fees - reinstatement - continuing education - rules 12‑155‑113
Disciplinary action by board - procedures - cease-and-desist orders 12‑155‑114
Reconsideration and review of board action 12‑155‑115
Judicial review 12‑155‑116
License by endorsement - rules 12‑155‑117
Temporary permits - rules 12‑155‑118
Exemptions 12‑155‑119
Plumbing inspectors - qualifications - enforcement of licensing and apprentice-supervision-ratio requirements - rules - legislative declaration - definitions 12‑155‑120
Inspection - plumbing permits - application - standards - definition 12‑155‑121
Municipal and county regulations 12‑155‑122
Unauthorized practice - penalties 12‑155‑123
Violation - fines - rules 12‑155‑124
Apprentices - rules