C.R.S. Section 12-250-104
Naturopathic medicine advisory committee

  • creation
  • membership
  • duties


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The naturopathic medicine advisory committee is hereby created in the department as the entity responsible for advising the director in the regulation of the practice of naturopathic medicine by naturopathic doctors and the implementation of this article 250.


The advisory committee consists of nine members appointed by the director as follows:


Three members who are naturopathic doctors;


Three members who are doctors of medicine or osteopathy licensed pursuant to article 240 of this title 12, one of whom is a pediatrician and another of whom is a member of a statewide multispecialty medical society;


One member who is a pharmacist licensed pursuant to article 280 of this title 12; and


Two members from the public at large. The director shall make reasonable efforts to appoint public members who are or have been consumers of naturopathic medicine.


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Each member of the advisory committee holds office until the expiration of the member’s appointed term or until a successor is duly appointed. Except as specified in subsection (1)(c)(II) of this section, the term of office of each member is four years, and an advisory committee member shall not serve more than two consecutive four-year terms. The director shall fill a vacancy occurring on the advisory committee, other than by expiration of a term, by appointment for the unexpired term of the member.


To ensure staggered terms of office, the initial term of office of one of the naturopathic doctor members, the pharmacist member, and one of the members representing the public is two years. These members are eligible to serve one additional four-year term of office. On and after the expiration of these members’ terms, the term of office of persons appointed to these positions on the advisory committee is as described in subsection (1)(c)(I) of this section, commencing on January 1 of the applicable year.


The director may remove any advisory committee member for misconduct, incompetence, or neglect of duty.


The advisory committee shall meet at least once each year to:


Advise the director in the administration and enforcement of this article 250 and rules adopted under this article 250;


Discuss issues of importance to naturopathic doctors and their patients; and


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Review the naturopathic formulary specified in section 12-250-106 (1)(c)(I); and


Make recommendations to the director on whether there should be additions, other than controlled substances, to the naturopathic formulary. Possible additions may include only biological substances including vitamins, minerals, nutritive substances, extracts, and their products and residues.


Members of the advisory committee shall not receive compensation for their services but are entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses they incur in performing their duties.

Source: Section 12-250-104 — Naturopathic medicine advisory committee - creation - membership - duties, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-250-104’s source at colorado​.gov