C.R.S. Section 12-30-111
Electronic prescribing of controlled substances

  • exceptions
  • rules
  • definitions


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Except as provided in subsection (1)(b) of this section, on and after July 1, 2021, a prescriber shall prescribe a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), that is included in schedule II, III, or IV pursuant to part 2 of article 18 of title 18, only by electronic prescription transmitted to a pharmacy unless:


At the time of issuing the prescription, electronic prescribing is not available due to technological or electrical failure;


The prescription is to be dispensed at a pharmacy that is located outside of this state;


The prescriber is dispensing the controlled substance to the patient;


The prescription includes elements that are not supported by the most recent version of the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs SCRIPT Standard and 21 CFR 1311;


The federal food and drug administration or drug enforcement administration requires the prescription for the particular controlled substance to contain elements that cannot be satisfied with electronic prescribing;


The prescription is not specific to a patient and allows dispensing of the prescribed controlled substance:


Pursuant to a standing order, approved protocol of drug therapy, or collaborative drug management or comprehensive medication management plan;


In response to a public health emergency; or


Under other circumstances that permit the prescriber to issue a prescription that is not patient-specific;


The prescription is for a controlled substance under a research protocol;


The prescriber writes twenty-four or fewer prescriptions for controlled substances per year;


The prescriber is prescribing a controlled substance to be administered to a patient in a hospital, nursing care facility, hospice care facility, dialysis treatment clinic, or assisted living residence or to a person who is in the custody of the department of corrections;


The prescriber reasonably determines that the patient would be unable to obtain controlled substances prescribed electronically in a timely manner and that the delay would adversely affect the patient’s medical condition; or


The prescriber demonstrates economic hardship in accordance with rules adopted by the regulator pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section.


A prescriber who is a licensed dentist or who is practicing in a rural area of the state or in a practice consisting of only one prescriber shall comply with this subsection (1) on and after July 1, 2023.


The regulator for each prescriber subject to this section shall adopt rules:


Defining what constitutes a temporary technological or electrical failure for purposes of subsection (1)(a)(I) of this section; and


Defining economic hardship for purposes of subsection (1)(a)(XI) of this section and establishing:


The process for a prescriber to demonstrate economic hardship, including the information required to be submitted to allow the regulator to make a determination;


The period during which the economic hardship exception is effective, which period must not exceed one year; and


A process for a prescriber to apply to renew an economic hardship exception, including the information required to be submitted that demonstrates the prescriber’s continuing need for the exception.


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This section does not:


Create a private right of action;


Serve as the basis of a cause of action; or


Establish a standard of care.


A violation of this section does not constitute negligence per se or contributory negligence per se.


As used in this section:


“Prescriber” means:


A dentist licensed pursuant to article 220 of this title 12;


A physician or physician assistant licensed pursuant to article 240 of this title 12;


An advanced practice registered nurse or certified midwife with prescriptive authority pursuant to section 12-255-112;


An optometrist licensed pursuant to article 275 of this title 12; or


A podiatrist licensed pursuant to article 290 of this title 12.


“Rural area” means a county located in a nonmetropolitan area in the state that either:


Has no municipality within its territorial boundaries with fifty thousand or more permanent residents based upon the most recent population estimates published by the United States census bureau; or


Satisfies alternate criteria for the designation of a rural area as may be promulgated by the federal office of management and budget.

Source: Section 12-30-111 — Electronic prescribing of controlled substances - exceptions - rules - definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-30-111’s source at colorado​.gov