C.R.S. Section 13-2-125
Purchase, distribution, and sale of reports


Upon the publication of each volume of the reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals under contract with the judicial department, the publisher shall be responsible for distributing as many copies as are required to meet the needs of the state in accordance with a list provided by the librarian of the supreme court. Costs of mailing incurred in such distribution shall be borne by the state from appropriations made to the judicial department.


The distribution pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall include the following:


State and territorial libraries, as directed by the librarian of the supreme court;


The library of congress and of the United States supreme court;


The attorney general and secretary of state of Colorado, and officials of the executive branch as required;


District attorneys and judges of Colorado courts of record;


The justices and reporter of the Colorado supreme court;


The law library of the university of Colorado, and the library of any other accredited law school in Colorado;


Copies for use in the supreme court library and by the general assembly;


Copies to be used for exchange purposes in the maintenance of the supreme court library, as directed by the librarian of the supreme court;


Office of legislative legal services.


All copies distributed to offices and agencies of the state of Colorado are at all times the property of the state and not the personal property of the incumbents of the respective offices and shall be so marked as the property of the state. This shall not apply to the justices and reporter of the supreme court as to volumes prepared during their tenure of office.


The publisher shall sell the reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals to the public at a price which is set at the cost of the report plus a twenty percent markup for handling. The publisher shall retain the markup charges and remit to the state the costs of the reports sold as reimbursement to the general fund for payment by the state of the expenses of publication thereof. The unsold copies of all reports shall remain the property of the state and shall be returned by the publisher to the secretary of state upon the termination of the contract for publication. Until otherwise designated by law or order of the chief justice of the Colorado supreme court, the secretary of state shall be the legal custodian of the reports of the supreme court and the court of appeals. The secretary of state shall sell any remaining copies of such reports to the public at such cost plus twenty percent and transmit the sale proceeds to the state treasurer for deposit to the credit of the general fund.

Source: Section 13-2-125 — Purchase, distribution, and sale of reports, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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