C.R.S. Section 13-62.1-107
Judgments and awards on foreign-money claims; times of money conversion; form of judgment


Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a judgment or award on a foreign-money claim must be stated in an amount of the money of the claim.


A judgment or award on a foreign-money claim is payable in that foreign money or, at the option of the debtor, in the amount of United States dollars which will purchase that foreign money on the conversion date at a bank-offered spot rate.


Assessed costs must be entered in United States dollars.


Each payment in United States dollars must be accepted and credited on a judgment or award on a foreign-money claim in the amount of the foreign money that could be purchased by the dollars at a bank-offered spot rate of exchange at or near the close of business on the conversion date for that payment.


A judgment or award made in an action or distribution proceeding on both (i) a defense, set-off, recoupment, or counterclaim and (ii) the adverse party’s claim, must be netted by converting the money of the smaller into the money of the larger, and by subtracting the smaller from the larger, and specify the rates of exchange used.


A judgment substantially in the following form complies with subsection (1) of this section:

(insert name)

pay to Plaintiff

(insert name)

the sum of

(insert amount in the foreign money)

plus interest on that sum at the rate of

(insert rate - see Section 9)

percent a year or, at the option of the judgment debtor, the number of United States dollars which will purchase the

(insert name of foreign money)

with interest due, at a bank-offered spot rate at or near the close of business on the banking day next before the day of payment, together with assessed costs of

(insert amount)

United States dollars.] [Note:
States should insert their customary forms of judgment with appropriate modifications.]


If a contract claim is of the type covered by section 13-62.1-105 (1) or (2), the judgment or award must be entered for the amount of money stated to measure the obligation to be paid in the money specified for payment or, at the option of the debtor, the number of United States dollars which will purchase the computed amount of the money of payment on the conversion date at a bank-offered spot rate.


A judgment must be [filed] [docketed] [recorded] and indexed in foreign money in the same manner, and has the same effect as a lien, as other judgments. It may be discharged by payment.

Source: Section 13-62.1-107 — Judgments and awards on foreign-money claims; times of money conversion; form of judgment, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-13.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 13-62.1-107’s source at colorado​.gov