C.R.S. Section 15-19-302
Duty of public officers as to unclaimed bodies


All public officers, agents, and servants, and all officers, agents, and servants of every county, city, township, borough, district, and other municipality, and every almshouse, prison, morgue, hospital, or other municipal or other public institution, and all other persons having charge or control over unclaimed dead human bodies required to be buried at public expense shall use reasonable effort to ascertain if the deceased person has any relative, friend, or other representative who will assume charge of the body for burial at his or her expense. If the effort does not result in the discovery of a claimant within twenty-four hours after death, the officers, agents, or other persons shall immediately notify the anatomical board or such person as may from time to time be designated by the board as its duly authorized officer or agent, when such unclaimed body or bodies come into his or her possession, charge, or control. In any county that is entirely located more than one hundred fifty miles from any accredited medical or dental school, the minimum period of notification shall be extended to forty-eight hours. The officers, agents, or other persons, without fee or reward, shall deliver the unclaimed body to the anatomical board and permit the board or its agents to take and remove all the unclaimed bodies to be used for the advancement of medical and anatomical sciences.


Notice shall be given to the anatomical board in all cases, but the body must not be delivered if any relative, by blood or marriage, has previously claimed the body for burial at the expense of the relative, in which case the body must be surrendered to the claimant for interment. Further, the body must not be delivered if any representative of a fraternal society of which the deceased was a member, or a representative of any charitable organization, or if any friend of the deceased indigent person claims the body for burial prior to delivery to the board, with the burial at the expense of the fraternal society, charitable organization, or friend. In the case of death of any person whose body is required to be buried at public expense and the duly authorized officer or agent of the anatomical board deems the body unfit for anatomical purposes, he or she shall notify the board of county commissioners or agency in charge of indigent persons in the county in which the person dies, in writing, and the board of county commissioners or agency shall direct a person to take charge of the body of the deceased indigent person, and cause it to be buried, and draw warrants upon the treasurer of the county for the payment of expenses.


Warrants for the payment of the expenses of the burial of any person whose body is required to be buried at public expense must not be drawn or paid except upon the certificate of the duly authorized officer or agent of the anatomical board to the effect that the unclaimed body is unfit for anatomical purposes due to decomposition or contagious disease, and that the provisions of this part 3 have been complied with. If, through the failure of any person to deliver the body of a deceased indigent person as required by this part 3, the unclaimed body is unfit for anatomical purposes, and is certified as unfit by the duly authorized officer or agent of the anatomical board, the body must be buried in accordance with the provisions of this part 3, and the person who failed to deliver the unclaimed body shall pay to the county treasurer the expenses incurred. Upon the refusal or failure of the person, on demand, to pay the expenses, the board of county commissioners, or such other agency as may be in charge of indigent persons in the county, may bring suit to recover the expenses, and the expenses may be recovered as debts collectible by law.

Source: Section 15-19-302 — Duty of public officers as to unclaimed bodies, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-15.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration - construction
Declaration of disposition of last remains
Reliance - declarations
Right of final disposition
Disposition of abandoned cremated remains of veterans - liability - applicability - definitions
Declaration of disposition of last remains
Interstate effect of declaration
Effect of criminal charges
Natural reduction
Short title
Who may make anatomical gift before donor’s death
Manner of making anatomical gift before donor’s death
Amending or revoking anatomical gift before donor’s death
Refusal to make anatomical gift - effect of refusal
Preclusive effect of anatomical gift, amendment, or revocation
Who may make anatomical gift of decedent’s body or part
Manner of making, amending, or revoking anatomical gift of decedent’s body or part
Persons that may receive anatomical gift - purpose of anatomical gift
Search and notification
Delivery of document of gift not required - right to examine
Rights and duties of procurement organization and others
Coordination of procurement and use
Sale or purchase of parts prohibited
Other prohibited acts
Law governing validity - choice of law as to execution of document of gift - presumption of validity
Donor registry
Effect of anatomical gift on advance health-care directive - definitions
Cooperation between coroner and procurement organization
Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is under jurisdiction of coroner
Uniformity of application and construction
Relation to “Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act”
Board for distribution of unclaimed human bodies - rules
Duty of public officers as to unclaimed bodies
Claiming of body - publication of notice
Disposition of all or any portion of body after death - nonliability
Unlawful to hold autopsy
Holding of body for twenty days
Disposition of remains
Expense to be borne by institutions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 15-19-302’s source at colorado​.gov