C.R.S. Section 16-11.8-102

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Board” means the domestic violence offender management board created in section 16-11.8-103.


“Domestic violence offender” means any person who on or after January 1, 2001, has been convicted of, pled guilty to, or received a deferred judgment and sentence for any domestic violence offense as defined in subsection (3) of this section.


“Domestic violence offense” means any crime the underlying factual basis of which includes an act of domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), C.R.S.


“Treatment” means counseling, monitoring, and supervision of any domestic violence offender that conforms to the standards created by the board pursuant to section 16-11.8-103.


“Treatment evaluation” means a determination of treatment amenability as recommended by a domestic violence evaluator approved by the domestic violence offender management board.

Source: Section 16-11.8-102 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-16.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 16-11.8-102’s source at colorado​.gov