C.R.S. Section 16-4-117
District attorney assistance for bond hearings grant program

  • created
  • rules


All costs and expenses related to a district attorneys’ office’s ability to comply with the bond hearing requirements of section 16-4-102 (2)(a) are reasonable and necessary expenses required to fully discharge the official duties of the office.


There is hereby created in the Colorado district attorneys’ council the district attorney assistance for bond hearings grant program to provide grants to assist district attorneys in complying with section 16-4-102 (2)(a).


Grant recipients shall use the money to pay for any reasonable cost or expense directly related to compliance with section 16-4-102 (2)(a), including but not limited to personnel, equipment, and travel.


The Colorado district attorneys’ council shall administer the grant program and shall award grants, subject to available appropriations.


The Colorado district attorneys’ council shall promulgate such rules as may be necessary to implement the grant program. At a minimum, the rules must specify the time frames for applying for grants, the form of the grant program application, and the time frames for distributing grant money.


To receive a grant, a district attorney must submit an application to the Colorado district attorneys’ council in accordance with rules promulgated by the Colorado district attorneys’ council.


The Colorado district attorneys’ council executive committee shall review all applications received pursuant to this section and shall prioritize awarding at least seventy-five percent of all available grant money to district attorneys’ offices located in a judicial district with a population base of two hundred thousand people or fewer to comply with section 16-4-102 (2)(a).


Subject to available appropriations, on or before April 1 each year of the grant program, the Colorado district attorneys’ council shall award grants.



Source: Section 16-4-117 — District attorney assistance for bond hearings grant program - created - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-16.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 16-4-117’s source at colorado​.gov