C.R.S. Section 17-20-123

  • duty of citizens

It is the duty of all the officers and other citizens of the state, by every means in their power, to suppress any insurrection among the inmates sentenced to any correctional facilities under the supervision of the executive director and to prevent the escape or rescue of any such inmate therefrom, or from any other legal confinement, or from any person in whose legal custody such inmate may be. If, in so doing or in arresting any inmate who may have escaped, such officer or other person wounds or kills such inmate or other person aiding or assisting such inmate, such officer or other person shall be justified and held guiltless; but such officer or other person shall not be excused for using greater force than the emergency of the case demands.

Source: Section 17-20-123 — Insurrection - duty of citizens, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-17.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 17-20-123’s source at colorado​.gov