C.R.S. Section 22-10-105
Evaluation of grants

  • report


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The office shall annually review the information received from adult education and literacy grant recipients to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs that receive grants in meeting the goals set for the programs in the grant applications. The office shall report its conclusions to the state board for purposes of evaluating ongoing grants.


The department may audit the records and accounts of grant recipients relating to grants awarded pursuant to this article 10. An adult education provider shall make the records and accounts available to the department upon request.


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The department shall establish reasonable reporting and documentation requirements for providers. An adult education provider’s administrative costs associated with reporting and documentation requirements must not exceed ten percent of the awarded funds. The department may require documentation of reported outcomes on a sample of eligible adults served by an adult education provider. An adult education provider shall, at a minimum, report to the department on the following:


The number of eligible adults enrolled in an adult education and literacy program;


Demographic information of each eligible adult enrolled in an adult education and literacy program, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, native language, zip code, and income; and


Literacy skills gained by an eligible adult enrolled in an adult education and literacy program.


Each adult education provider shall report data in compliance with the “Colorado Privacy Act”, established pursuant to part 13 of article 1 of title 6; the federal “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1232g; and the “Student Data Transparency and Security Act”, created in article 16 of this title 22.


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The office shall prepare an annual report concerning the grant program that, at a minimum, addresses the use, allocation, and outcomes of the grant money, including the effectiveness of each program that receives a grant and the continuing level of unmet need for adult education within the state. In evaluating program outcomes, the office may consider, but need not be limited to considering, student participation, completion, educational attainment, employment, and poverty-reduction data and analysis. The office may use data matching with relevant state agencies to determine post-program participation outcomes, including, but not limited to, employment obtained by an eligible adult enrolled in an adult education and literacy program, future adjustments to an eligible adult’s wages based on the eligible adult’s participation in an adult education and literacy program, postsecondary credentials earned by an eligible adult, and development of generational skills and the capacity of an eligible adult to support the academic achievements of the eligible adult’s children or children for whom the eligible adult provides care. The report must also include an overview of the collaboration efforts of the office, the department of higher education, the department of labor and employment, the community college system, other adult education providers, other postsecondary education or training providers, and other workforce development providers in meeting the state’s need for adult education and literacy programs and workforce development.


Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), the office shall submit the report to the governor’s office; the state board; the joint budget committee of the general assembly; the education committees of the senate and the house of representatives, or any successor committees; the business, labor, and technology committee of the senate, or any successor committee; and the business, labor, economic, and workforce development committee of the house of representatives, or any successor committee. The office shall also post the report on the department’s website for public viewing.

Source: Section 22-10-105 — Evaluation of grants - report, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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