C.R.S. Section 22-35.3-202

As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:


“ASCENT program” means the accelerating students through concurrent enrollment program created in section 22-35-108.


“Early college program” means an educational program that enables a student to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and complete a postsecondary certificate or degree.


“Education leadership council” means the governor’s education leadership council created by executive order B 2017-001.


“Executive director” means the executive director of the department of higher education.


“P-tech school” means a pathways in technology early college high school, or program within a host school, that is approved pursuant to part 1 of this article 35.3.


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“Secondary, postsecondary, and work-based learning integration program” means a program that:


Is available to students enrolled in secondary grades;


Integrates secondary course work with postsecondary course work or work-based learning, or both;


Is designed to lead to attainment of a high school diploma and a postsecondary credential, including a degree or an industry-recognized certificate, before the student completes high school; and


May be completed within four, five, or six years of high school enrollment.


“Secondary, postsecondary, and work-based learning integration programs” include, but are not limited to, early college programs, p-tech schools, the ASCENT program, the TREP program, the high school innovative learning pilot program created in article 35.6 of this title 22, the career development success program created in section 22-54-138, and the fourth-year innovation pilot program created in part 13 of article 3.3 of title 23.


“State work force development council” or “state council” means the state work force development council created in the department of labor and employment in section 24-46.3-101.


“Task force” means the secondary, postsecondary, and work-based learning integration task force convened pursuant to section 22-35.3-203.


“TREP program” means the teacher recruitment education and preparation program created in section 22-35-108.5.


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“Work-based learning” means learning that occurs, in whole or in part, in the workplace and provides youth and adults with hands-on real-world experience and training for skills development.


“Work-based learning” includes activities such as job shadowing, internships, externships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, residencies, and incumbent-worker training.

Source: Section 22-35.3-202 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-35.3-202’s source at colorado​.gov