C.R.S. Section 22-40-104
County treasurer

  • accounts
  • warrants


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


It is the duty of the county treasurer to keep separate accounts by funds and subsidiary accounts for the bond redemption fund of each school district in his or her county, and said funds and accounts shall be subject to the warrants of said district. The tax revenues shall be credited to the proper fund and account, together with any penalty interest collected thereon.


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), upon receipt of a notice from the state treasurer issued pursuant to section 22-41-110 (3), a county treasurer shall withhold from the school district named in the notice and forward to the state treasurer the amount of tax revenues specified in the notice that would otherwise be credited to the school district.


If only a portion of a school district is situate within the territorial limits of said county and the headquarters of said school district are not located therein, the county treasurer shall transfer, at the end of each month, all moneys which have accrued to the credit of said district to the county treasurer of the county wherein the headquarters of said school district is located. No warrant shall be drawn by a school district situate in more than one county against its moneys except against those moneys in the custody of the county treasurer of the county wherein the school district headquarters is located.


Except in the case of a school district which has elected to withdraw its moneys, if a school district warrant is presented to the county treasurer of a school district situate in his county and there are no moneys or insufficient moneys to the credit of said school district in the proper fund or account thereof to pay such warrant, it is the duty of said county treasurer to register such warrants in the order of presentment and endorse each such warrant “no funds”. Registered warrants shall draw interest from the date of such registration and endorsement at the rate and in the manner as registered county warrants. The county treasurer shall keep a list of all warrants so registered and endorsed and furnish a copy of said list to the treasurer of said school district. The county treasurer shall pay both the principal and interest of said warrants, in the order of registration, when there are sufficient moneys to the credit of the school district fund or account upon which any such warrant was drawn. It is his duty to cause to be published in a newspaper with general distribution in said school district for five days a notice that certain school district warrants, describing said warrants by numbers and amounts, will be paid upon presentation at the expiration of said five days notice, at which time said warrants shall cease to bear interest.


It is unlawful for a school district to issue warrants in excess of the amount budgeted or appropriated to or the anticipated revenues for any fund, whichever is less, for said school district’s fiscal year whether or not the board of education of said district has elected to withdraw its moneys from the custody of the county treasurer.


It is the duty of the county treasurer to cancel all paid school district warrants with a proper canceling stamp and indicate the date of payment thereof.

Source: Section 22-40-104 — County treasurer - accounts - warrants, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-40-104’s source at colorado​.gov