C.R.S. Section 22-43.7-203
Full-day kindergarten facility capital construction projects

  • prioritization


From the applications submitted for grants or matching grants pursuant to section 22-43.7-202, the board shall annually prepare a prioritized list of capital construction projects to provide facilities for full-day kindergarten programs. The board shall then determine the type and amount of the grant or matching grant to be awarded to each eligible capital construction project based on the information provided by the school district or the institute charter school in the application.


The board shall submit to the state board the prioritized list of capital construction projects prepared pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. The prioritized list shall include the board’s recommendations as to the amount of financial assistance to be provided to applicants and whether the assistance should be in the form of a grant or a matching grant. The state board may approve, disapprove, or modify the provision of financial assistance to any applicant recommended by the board if the state board finds that the board incorrectly prioritized the capital construction projects pursuant to this part 2. The state board shall specifically explain in writing its reasons for finding that the board incorrectly prioritized any capital construction project pursuant to this part 2.


In prioritizing capital construction projects and awarding grants and matching grants pursuant to this part 2, the board shall attempt to maximize the total number of students statewide who will be able to attend a full day of kindergarten due to the availability of a renovated facility or temporary auxiliary facility for a full-day kindergarten program.


It is the intent of the general assembly that school districts give consideration to the needs of both traditional public schools and charter schools established pursuant to article 30.5 of this title when submitting applications for grants or matching grants pursuant to this section.


It is the intent of the general assembly that a grant or matching grant awarded to a school district or institute charter school pursuant to this part 2 shall not be taken into consideration when the board prioritizes capital construction projects pursuant to part 1 of this article. Nothing in this part 2 shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect the authority of the board to prioritize capital construction projects pursuant to part 1 of this article.

Source: Section 22-43.7-203 — Full-day kindergarten facility capital construction projects - prioritization, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative findings and declarations
Public school capital construction assistance fund - creation - crediting of money to fund - use of fund - emergency reserve - creation - reserve account - creation and use
Division of public school capital construction assistance - creation - director - function - powers and duties
Public school capital construction assistance board - creation - general powers and duties - rules
Public school facility construction guidelines - establishment by board - use
Statewide financial assistance priority assessment - public school facilities
Financial assistance for public school capital construction - application requirements - evaluation criteria - local match requirements - technology grants - career and technical education capital construction grants - rules - definitions - repeal
Financial assistance - grants - financed purchase of an asset agreements
Department - charter school facilities assistance account - distribution - definitions
Charter school matching moneys loan program - rules - definitions
Reporting requirements - auditing by state auditor
Attorney general as legal advisor
Colorado school for the deaf and blind - special rules
Capital construction assistance awarded for fiscal year 2007-08 - continued payment
Tax increases not required
Open record and open meetings
Full-day kindergarten facility capital construction fund - creation - grants - definitions
Applications for grants and matching grants - rules
Full-day kindergarten facility capital construction projects - prioritization
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-43.7-203’s source at colorado​.gov