C.R.S. Section 22-5.5-105
Regional service areas

  • establishment
  • plan
  • governance


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Following the creation of the twelve regional service areas by the state board pursuant to section 22-5.5-104, but on or before June 30, 2009, individuals in a regional service area may organize a regional service area. Participants in a regional service area may include, but need not be limited to, representatives from school districts, boards of cooperative services, administrative units, early childhood councils, postsecondary institutions, business and industry, other education agencies in the regional service area, teachers, and parents. A regional service area plan shall be governed by no more than one regional service council.


Participation by school districts or boards of cooperative services in a regional service area is voluntary.


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Each plan for a regional service area shall be administered by a locally appointed regional service council, representing the following entities within the regional service area and composed of a minimum of five members; except that a regional service council initially formed or reorganized on or after August 5, 2009, shall be composed of a minimum of six members as follows:


Each participating board of cooperative services shall appoint at least one council member. A board of cooperative services that has more than five member districts shall appoint an additional council member. The terms shall run coterminously with the council member’s term on his or her board.


Each board of cooperative services superintendent advisory council within a regional service area shall appoint two superintendents or their designees to serve on the regional service council. A superintendent advisory council that has more than five members shall appoint an additional superintendent or his or her designee to the regional service council. The superintendents or their designees shall each represent a participating school district.


Each school district that chooses to participate in the regional service area and that is not a member of a board of cooperative services within the regional service area shall appoint one board member, superintendent, or designee to the regional service council. The terms shall run coterminously with the council member’s term on his or her board, if applicable.


The regional service council, within ninety days after its initial formation and each time the regional service council reorganizes thereafter, shall appoint one council member representing business and industry, one council member representing each existing early childhood council from within the regional service area, and, for a regional service council initially formed or reorganized on or after August 5, 2009, one council member who is a parent of a student enrolled in a public preschool, elementary, secondary, or postsecondary institution located within the regional service area.


Each four-year institution of higher education, each community college, and each technical college within the regional service area may appoint a trustee or advisory council member, or the president of the institution or his or her designee, to serve on the regional service council.


The department of education regional manager for the regional service area and the executive director for any board of cooperative services in the regional service area shall serve as ex-officio, nonvoting members of the regional service council.


The regional service council shall have the authority to set terms of office, organize, have meetings, and accept moneys and shall be accountable for funding and programs.


To receive funding pursuant to section 22-5.5-106 (2) and (3), the regional service council on behalf of each regional service area shall submit a plan to the state board for approval on or before June 30, 2009. The plan shall address the needs of large and small school districts within the regional service area and focus on increasing effectiveness and efficiencies in providing education and services throughout the region. The plan shall include, at a minimum:


A list of representatives from various educational agencies and business and industry in the regional service area;


A description of how the regional service area intends to use and develop state, regional, and local expertise;


An outline of available funding sources, including local and regional contributions, federal moneys, and any available state resources;


A description of how the agencies within the regional service area will coordinate and collaborate to enhance effectiveness and efficiencies among and between regional service areas;


A strategy to address the needs of participating school districts within the regional service area;


A budget outlining projected expenditures by the regional service area; and


Accountability criteria associated with the plan, including but not limited to:


Evaluation of alignment with established state priorities;


Rationale for selection of priorities based upon regional needs assessment data;


Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic, all within an established time frame;


Specific outcomes demonstrated with effectiveness and efficiencies;


An evaluation process and criteria; and


Budget alignment with priorities and activities.


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Each regional service council shall submit a plan developed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section to the state board for approval as a prerequisite to the receipt of state moneys pursuant to this article.


On or before August 1, 2009, the state board shall notify each regional service council that submitted a plan for a regional service area of its approval or rejection.

Source: Section 22-5.5-105 — Regional service areas - establishment - plan - governance, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-5.5-105’s source at colorado​.gov