C.R.S. Section 22-54-112
Reports to the state board


On or before November 15 of each year, the property tax administrator shall certify to the state board the valuations for assessment of all taxable property within each county and for each district or portion of a joint district in each county, with the exception of the city and county of Denver, for which the time of certification shall be on or before December 20. The furnishing of certified copies of the board of county commissioners’ or its authorized party’s certification of levies and revenue to the county assessor and the property tax administrator, as provided by section 39-1-111 (2), shall be considered as having fulfilled the requirement of this section.
(2)(a)(I) For budget years commencing prior to July 1, 2023, on or before November 10 of each year, the secretary of the board of education of each district shall certify to the state board the pupil enrollment, the online pupil enrollment, the extended high school pupil enrollment, and the preschool program enrollment of the district taken in the preceding October or previously in November.


For the 2023-24 budget year and each budget year thereafter, on or before November 10 of each year, the secretary of the board of education of each district shall certify to the state board the pupil enrollment, the online pupil enrollment, and the extended high school pupil enrollment of the district taken in the preceding October.


For the 2023-24 budget year and each budget year thereafter, on or before November 10 of each year, the secretary of the board of education of each district shall certify to the state board the number of three- and four-year-old pupils with disabilities who are not enrolled in kindergarten but are receiving an educational program under the “Exceptional Children’s Educational Act”, article 20 of this title 22, as determined in the preceding October or previously in November, for purposes of determining funding pursuant to part 1 of article 20 of this title 22.




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On or before November 10 of each year, the secretary of the state charter school institute board shall certify to the state board the pupil enrollment, the online pupil enrollment, and the extended high school pupil enrollment of each institute charter school taken in the preceding October.


For the 2023-24 budget year and each budget year thereafter, on or before November 10 of each year, the secretary of the state charter school institute board shall certify to the state board the number of three- and four-year-old pupils with disabilities who are not enrolled in kindergarten but are receiving an educational program under the “Exceptional Children’s Educational Act”, article 20 of this title 22, from each institute charter school, as determined in the preceding October or previously in November, for purposes of determining funding pursuant to part 1 of article 20 of this title 22.


If the valuation for assessment for all or a part of any district has been divided for an urban renewal area, pursuant to section 31-25-107 (9)(a), C.R.S., any report under this section shall be based upon that portion of the valuation for assessment under said section 31-25-107 (9)(a)(I), C.R.S., so long as such division remains in effect.


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Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (4), every school of a district, charter school of a district, and institute charter school shall include in the materials for pupil registration the pupil application form to participate under the federal “Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1751 et seq., referred to in this subsection (4) as the “pupil application form”. The registration materials shall include an explanation to parents that the pupil application form will be used by the school of the district, district charter school, or institute charter school to determine whether the school of the district, district charter school, or institute charter school is eligible for at-risk funding on behalf of the pupil and that, by filling out the form, the parent is ensuring that the school district or school will receive the at-risk funding to which it is entitled based on the population of at-risk pupils served by the school district or school.


If one or more schools of a school district or if a district charter school or an institute charter school does not participate in the federal child nutrition programs under the federal “Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1751 et seq., or the federal “Child Nutrition Act of 1966”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1771 et seq., the school district, the district charter school, or the institute charter school shall use the family economic data survey form created by the department of education to identify those pupils who qualify as at-risk pupils in lieu of the pupil application form.


In certifying the pupil enrollment pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the secretary of the board of education of each district and the secretary of the state charter school institute board shall specify as at-risk pupils those pupils identified through use of the pupil application form and the family economic data survey form.


On or before November 10, 2021, and on or before November 10 of each year thereafter, in certifying the pupil enrollment pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the secretary of the board of education of each district and the secretary of the state charter school institute board shall specify the number of English language learner pupils.

Source: Section 22-54-112 — Reports to the state board, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration - statewide applicability - intergovernmental agreements
District total program - definitions - repeal
General fund appropriations requirements - maintenance of effort base
Legislative declaration
Total program for budget years - special provisions
Implementation of at-risk measure - working group - creation - department duties - reports - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal
Public school finance - task force - creation - duties - report - definitions - repeal
Instructional supplies and materials - capital reserve and insurance reserve - at-risk funding - preschool funding
Local and state shares of district total program - legislative declaration - definition - repeal
Fiscal emergency restricted reserve - calculation of reserve amount
Buy-out of categorical programs - total program reserve fund levy
Authorization of additional local revenues for supplemental cost of living adjustment
Override mill levy match - calculation - distribution - fund created - legislative declaration - definitions
Authorization of additional local revenues - definitions
Authorization of additional local revenues for full-day kindergarten - definitions
Authorization of additional local revenues for cash funding of capital construction, new technology, existing technology upgrade, and maintenance needs - definition
Attendance in district other than district of residence
Loans to alleviate cash flow deficits - financed purchase of an asset agreements
Adjustments in valuation for assessment
Reports to the state board
County public school fund
State public school fund - repeal
Distribution from state public school fund
Notice to taxpayers - assistance by department of education
Contingency reserve - fund - repeal
Joint districts
General provisions
Rules and regulations
Small attendance center aid
Russell national school lunch act - appropriation of state matching funds
School breakfast program - appropriation - low-performing schools
State aid for charter schools - use of state education fund money - definitions
Declining enrollment districts with new charter schools - additional aid - definitions
Facility school funding - definitions - legislative declaration
At-risk per pupil additional funding - definitions
Career development success program - created - funding - report - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal
Additional funding for schools - use of retail marijuana sales tax revenue transferred to state public school fund - definitions
Additional funding for rural schools - 2023-24 budget year - definitions - repeal
Hold-harmless at-risk funding - 2023-24 budget year - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-54-112’s source at colorado​.gov