C.R.S. Section 22-60.3-204
Program eligibility

  • financial assistance
  • funding


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A member of the armed forces who seeks to receive financial assistance through the program must submit a program application within three years after retirement or separation from the military. If a program application is not submitted within three years after retirement or separation, a member of the armed forces is not eligible for financial assistance through the program, but is eligible to receive counseling and referral services.


As a condition of receiving financial assistance through the program, an applicant must agree to teach for a period of three years in a rural or small rural school district or in an educator shortage area, as determined by the state board of education. If an applicant does not fulfill the service condition of the program, the applicant shall repay the awarded financial assistance to the department in accordance with the rules promulgated by the state board.


A member of the armed forces or a nonmilitary-affiliated educator candidate may apply to the program to receive financial assistance of up to ten thousand dollars for the tuition cost of an educator preparation program in which the applicant is enrolled. An applicant must apply to the department in accordance with the rules promulgated by the state board.


The department shall review each application received and determine whether the applicant meets the following criteria for participation in the program:


If the applicant is a member of the armed forces, the applicant has an honorable discharge status or is currently serving in one of the armed forces;


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The applicant has a baccalaureate or advanced degree from an accredited institution of higher education at the time of application; or


The applicant is currently employed as a paraprofessional, as defined in section 22-60.3-102, in a school district, charter school, or board of cooperative services and is working toward a baccalaureate degree as required to pursue a professional teaching license; or


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The applicant meets state career and technical education requirements; or


Has the equivalent of eighteen semester hours of postsecondary enrollment and six years of military experience in a career or technical field.


Subject to available appropriations, the department shall provide one-time financial assistance of up to ten thousand dollars paid from the amount appropriated for the program to a qualified program participant for the tuition cost of the educator preparation program in which the qualified program participant is enrolled. The department shall distribute the financial assistance for a qualified program participant to the educator preparation program in which the qualified program participant is enrolled.


The general assembly shall annually appropriate money to fund the program, including an amount for the direct and indirect costs incurred by the department in implementing the program.

Source: Section 22-60.3-204 — Program eligibility - financial assistance - funding, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-60.3-204’s source at colorado​.gov