C.R.S. Section 23-20.5-101
Dental school tuition


Tuition for students enrolled in dental programs under the university of Colorado as dental hygiene, dental assistants, or dental lab technician students shall be the same as those as are established for the school of nursing. Tuition for students enrolled as dental students or dental clinical specialty students shall be established by the board of regents of the university of Colorado.


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The regents of the university of Colorado are hereby authorized to reduce, by an amount not to exceed eighty-seven and one-half percent, the yearly tuition charged to dental students who qualify as resident students pursuant to article 7 of this title, for each such student who shall agree to practice dentistry upon graduation for one year, for each year in which a reduction is made, in an area of the state determined by the regents to be in need of additional dentists. The regents shall adopt the necessary rules, regulations, and contractual procedures necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection (2), as determined by the attorney general to be enforceable under the laws of Colorado. The provisions of this paragraph (a) apply to students enrolled in dental programs prior to September 30, 1982.


The regents of the university of Colorado, in setting dental school tuition policy, shall require that, among any other requirements that may be established for graduation, a matriculated dental student who enrolls in the dental program on or after September 30, 1982, shall devote not less than one academic year to the provision of direct clinical dental services to any area or location within the state determined by the regents to be in need of additional dentists or dental services. In no event shall a dental student receive a degree from the university of Colorado in the field of dentistry unless such requirement has been fulfilled.


Students enrolled in the dental program and paying tuition under the tuition policy program pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) may, at their option, participate in the dental program established pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection (2).

Source: Section 23-20.5-101 — Dental school tuition, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 23-20.5-101’s source at colorado​.gov