Section 23-21-1103
Colorado multidisciplinary health-care provider access training program
- created
There is created the Colorado multidisciplinary health-care provider access training program located at the university of Colorado Anschutz medical campus. The purpose of the program is to develop, implement, and administer geriatric training opportunities that will attract clinical health professions graduate students from participating Colorado institutions of higher education who are studying in the graduate fields of advanced practice provider programs; dentistry; medicine, including osteopathic medicine; nursing; occupational therapy; pharmacy; physical therapy; psychology; social work; or speech-language therapy to geriatric training opportunities.(2)
Intentionally left blank —Ed.(a)
Beginning in state fiscal year 2024-25, the committee, program chair appointed pursuant to section 23-21-1104 (2)(a), or the program chair’s designee, and participating institutions of higher education throughout Colorado shall select two clinical health professions graduate students per year from each field of study described in subsection (2)(b) of this section to participate in the program’s geriatric clinical training opportunities. The committee, in collaboration with the participating institutions of higher education, shall place students in geriatric clinical settings for hands-on experiential training. The committee shall create a rotation schedule to allow students enrolled in participating institutions of higher education that offer the same clinical health professions graduate degree programs to participate in the program’s clinical training opportunities.(b)
Two students from each of the following fields of study are included in the program:(I)
Advanced practice provider programs;(II)
Occupational therapy;(VI)
Osteopathic medicine;(VII)
Physical therapy;(IX)
Social work; and(XI)
Speech-language therapy.(3)
The program is encouraged to provide updated training each year for students, geriatric-trained faculty, and health-care providers to review new patient-centered geriatric approaches, innovations, technologies, new clinical health-care processes to care for older adults, team training exercises, and leadership training.(4)
The program chair, or the program chair’s designee, shall collaborate with participating institutions of higher education and health-care providers to place students in geriatric clinical settings for hands-on experiential training.(5)
The program chair, or the program chair’s designee, shall award a certificate to a student who successfully completes the program. The program chair, or the program chair’s designee, shall issue a letter to a student who successfully completes the program authorizing the student to become a trainer for the program in a clinic in the state.(6)
The program chair, or the program chair’s designee, shall gather data on the following:(a)
The number of students participating in the program from each participating institution of higher education;(b)
The number of students who successfully complete the program;(c)
The subsequent locations and job placements of program graduates;(d)
The number of program graduates who become trainers; and(e)
The description of facilities where program graduates become trainers.
Section 23-21-1103 — Colorado multidisciplinary health-care provider access training program - created, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).