C.R.S. Section 23-3.3-1303
Fourth-year innovation pilot program

  • creation
  • eligibility
  • award of state funding
  • commission policies


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There is created in the department the fourth-year innovation pilot program. The purpose of the pilot program is to provide state funding to low-income students who graduate early from a high school participating in the pilot program.


The pilot program is limited to local education providers or a group of providers, with the first cohort of graduates graduating early during the 2021-22 school year and the last cohort of graduates graduating early during the 2025-26 school year. Each year of the program, a local education provider or a group of local education providers may apply to the department to participate in the pilot program. A school or local education provider approved by the department may be added to an existing group of local education providers. The commission shall select pilot program participants, including a mix of urban, suburban, and rural local education providers. In the pilot program application, the applicant or applicants shall indicate which high schools are participating in the pilot program. With approval of the charter school, a school district that is selected to participate in the pilot program may also include a charter school authorized by the school district as one of its designated high schools.


The commission shall adopt any necessary policies and the department shall adopt any necessary guidelines to implement and administer the pilot program.


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No later than July 1, 2022, and no later than July 1 each year thereafter, the local education provider of a low-income student who has graduated early during the immediately preceding budget year shall notify the department and the department of education of the student’s early graduation, the name of the high school, and the graduation date. The local education provider shall notify the department and the department of education if there is a correction to the information provided pursuant to this subsection (3)(a).


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In the annual general appropriation act enacted for the budget year that commences in July following the student’s early graduation date, the general assembly shall appropriate to the fourth-year innovation pilot program fund, on behalf of each eligible graduate, an amount of money sufficient for payment of the state funding for each eligible graduate.


The general assembly shall also appropriate to the department of education in the budget year that commences in July following the student’s early graduation an amount sufficient for payment of twenty-five percent of the average state share of the state average per-pupil revenues for the 2021-22 budget year, as calculated during the 2021 regular legislative session, for distribution to the local education provider from which the eligible graduate graduated early prior to completion of the eligible graduate’s fourth year of high school. The local education provider is encouraged to direct a portion of the money received pursuant to this subsection (3)(b)(II) to high-quality career and postsecondary counseling and supports to ensure that students who may be eligible for state funding are aware of the pilot program and receive appropriate assistance in determining how to allocate state funding received pursuant to the pilot program to their intended postsecondary program.


Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (3) to the contrary, an eligible graduate is not disqualified from receiving state funding due solely to the local education provider’s failure to send the required notice to the department by the deadline set forth in subsection (3)(a) of this section. The department shall request supplemental money, as necessary, to disburse state funding on behalf of all eligible graduates.

Source: Section 23-3.3-1303 — Fourth-year innovation pilot program - creation - eligibility - award of state funding - commission policies, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Fourth-year innovation pilot program - creation - eligibility - award of state funding - commission policies
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Current through Fall 2024

§ 23-3.3-1303’s source at colorado​.gov