C.R.S. Section 23-3.9-101

As used in this part 1, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Approved program of preparation” means a program of study for preparation that is approved by the department of education pursuant to section 22-60.5-121 and that upon completion leads to a recommendation for licensure.


“Commission” means the Colorado commission on higher education.


“Educator” means a teacher, principal, or special services provider, as those terms are defined in section 22-60.5-102; except that a special services provider need not be employed by a school district.


“Facility school” means an approved facility school as defined in section 22-2-402 (1), C.R.S.




“Qualified loan” means an educational loan incurred while completing a program of preparation, including an alternative preparation program approved pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22, that leads to educator licensure pursuant to article 60.5 of title 22, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the area in which the educator is employed in a qualified position. The commission shall determine if a loan is a qualified loan for purposes of the educator loan forgiveness program created in section 23-3.9-102.


“Qualified position” means:


A hard-to-staff educator position in a rural school or rural school district or in a facility school that is in a rural school district identified by the department of education pursuant to section 23-3.9-102 (6); or


A hard-to-staff educator position in a Colorado public school, a school operated by a board of cooperative services created pursuant to article 5 of title 22, or a facility school in a content shortage area identified pursuant to section 23-3.9-102 (6).


“Rural school” or “rural school district” means a public school or school district identified by the department of education pursuant to section 23-3.9-102 (6).


“School” or “public school” means a public school as provided in section 22-1-101, including a charter school authorized by a school district pursuant to part 1 of article 30.5 of title 22, an institute charter school authorized by the state charter school institute pursuant to part 5 of article 30.5 of title 22, or a school operated by a board of cooperative services created and operating pursuant to article 5 of title 22.

Source: Section 23-3.9-101 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 23-3.9-101’s source at colorado​.gov