C.R.S. Section 23-56-102
Board of trustees

  • creation
  • members
  • powers
  • duties


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


There is established the board of trustees for Western Colorado university, referred to in this article 56 as the “board of trustees”, which consists of eleven members and is the governing authority for Western Colorado university. The board of trustees is, and is hereby declared to be, a body corporate and, as such and by the names designated in this section, may:


Acquire and hold property for the use of Western Colorado university;


Be a party to all suits and contracts; and


Do all things necessary to carry out the provisions of this article 56 in like manner as municipal corporations of this state, including but not limited to the power to demand, receive, hold, and use for the best interests of Western Colorado university such money, lands, or other property as may be donated or devised to or for the university.


The board of trustees and its successors have perpetual succession, have a seal, may make bylaws and regulations for the well-ordering and governance of Western Colorado university, and may conduct the business of the university in a manner not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this state. The board of trustees shall elect from the appointed members a chairperson, whose duties and responsibilities are prescribed in the duly adopted bylaws of the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, who are not members of the board and whose duties and responsibilities are prescribed in the duly adopted bylaws of the board of trustees. The staff of Western Colorado university shall provide staff support for the board of trustees.


The governor shall appoint, with the consent of the senate, nine members of the board of trustees. Members appointed by the governor shall serve terms of up to four years, expiring on December 31 of the third calendar year following the calendar year in which the member is appointed; except that the terms shall be staggered so that no more than five members’ terms expire in the same year. Of the nine members appointed by the governor, no more than five members may be affiliated with the same political party. Of the nine members appointed by the governor, at least two shall reside in Gunnison county. Each trustee shall hold office for the term for which the trustee has been appointed and until the trustee’s successor is appointed and confirmed by the senate.


The tenth member of the board of trustees is a full-time junior or senior student at Western Colorado university, elected by the members of the student body of Western Colorado university. The term of the student member is one year, beginning on July 1 each year. The student member is advisory, without the right to vote and without the right to attend executive sessions of the board of trustees, as provided by section 24-6-402.


The eleventh member is a member of the faculty of Western Colorado university elected by other members of the faculty for a term of two years, beginning on July 1 every odd-numbered year. The faculty member is advisory, without the right to vote and without the right to attend executive sessions of the board of trustees, as provided by section 24-6-402.


A vacancy of an appointed member of the board of trustees shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the unexpired term. A vacancy of either of the elected members of the board of trustees shall be filled by election for the unexpired term. Each member of the board of trustees shall take an oath or affirmation in accordance with section 24-12-101.


Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (6), the powers, duties, and functions formerly performed by the trustees of the state colleges in Colorado with respect to Western Colorado university are hereby transferred to the board of trustees. Policies, resolutions, procedures, and agreements previously approved by the trustees of the state colleges in Colorado and applicable to Western Colorado university remain in force and effect unless and until changed by the board of trustees.


In addition to those powers conferred elsewhere in this article 56, the board of trustees has the power to:


Appoint a president of Western Colorado university;


Appoint such other executive officers of the university as may be required;


Appoint faculty and employees as may be required;


Determine the compensation to be paid to the president, executive officers, faculty, and professional staff;


With the advice of the faculty, prescribe the degree programs for the university; and


Prescribe the student admissions qualifications.

Source: Section 23-56-102 — Board of trustees - creation - members - powers - duties, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 23-56-102’s source at colorado​.gov