Section 23-79-103
Postsecondary services advisory committee
- creation
- appointment
- duties
- report
- repeal
There is created in the department the postsecondary services advisory committee, referred to in this section as the “committee”, for the purpose of making recommendations to institutions of higher education and the general assembly concerning necessary services and best practices to improve successful outcomes for students with disabilities at institutions of higher education.(2)
Intentionally left blank —Ed.(a)
The committee consists of fifteen members appointed by the department’s executive director, as follows:(I)
Two members who are responsible for disability or accessibility services at baccalaureate- and graduate-awarding institutions of higher education;(II)
One member who is responsible for disability or accessibility services at a community college;(III)
One member who is responsible for disability or accessibility services at an area technical college;(IV)
One member who is a chief academic officer, or a chief academic officer’s designee, from an institution of higher education;(V)
One member with expertise in federal and state disabilities laws and the laws’ applicability to institutions of higher education;(VI)
One member who is responsible for active duty and veteran affairs services at an institution of higher education;(VII)
One member who is a registrar, or a registrar’s designee, from an institution of higher education;(VIII)
One member who represents the office of special education in the department of education;(IX)
One member who identifies as having a disability and is a current student or recent graduate of an institution of higher education;(X)
One member who represents an organization providing employment training and support to persons with disabilities;(XI)
Two members who each represent a community or nonprofit organization that serves individuals with disabilities;(XII)
One member who is responsible for accessible electronic information and technology at an institution of higher education; and(XIII)
One member who represents the division of vocational rehabilitation in the department of labor and employment.(b)
The department’s executive director shall, to the extent practicable, appoint to the committee members who identify as having a disability.(c)
The department’s executive director shall make the initial appointments to the committee no later than September 30, 2022.(3)
Each member of the committee who is appointed pursuant to subsection (2) of this section serves at the pleasure of the department’s executive director. The term of appointment is until June 30, 2024.(4)
The members of the committee serve without compensation and without reimbursement for expenses.(5)
The committee shall examine the following issues, including, but not limited to:(a)
Postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities, and whether outcomes are also affected by a student with a disability’s race, ethnicity, federal Pell grant eligibility, sex, gender expression, or military status;(b)
The ability for institutions of higher education to implement services and best practices that exceed the minimum requirements of federal and state laws for students with disabilities; and(c)
The availability of financial assistance for students with disabilities.(6)
On or before June 15, 2023, and on or before June 14, 2024, the committee shall complete and submit a report to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate, or any successor committees. The report must include:(a)
A description of the committee’s findings pursuant to subsection (5) of this section; and(b)
Recommendations for resources, statutory changes, department policy changes, or institution of higher education policy changes that are necessary to improve successful outcomes for students with disabilities at institutions of higher education.(7)
This section is repealed, effective June 30, 2024.
Section 23-79-103 — Postsecondary services advisory committee - creation - appointment - duties - report - repeal, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-23.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).