C.R.S. Section 24-1.9-104
Cash fund

  • creation
  • grants, gifts, and donations


On July 1, 2005, there is created in the state treasury the collaborative management cash fund, which is referred to in this section as the “fund”. The money in the fund is subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly to the department of human services for state fiscal year 2005-06 and each fiscal year thereafter. The fund consists of money received from docket fees in civil actions and transferred as specified in section 13-32-101.


On July 1, 2023, and annually thereafter, the general assembly shall appropriate money to the fund to serve children who would benefit from integrated multi-agency services, including children who have had contact with law enforcement or who are at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system.


The executive director of the department of human services is authorized to accept and expend on behalf of the state any grants, gifts, or donations from any private or public source for the purposes of this section. All private and public funds received through grants, gifts, or donations must be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund in addition to money credited pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and any money that may be appropriated to the fund directly by the general assembly. All investment earnings derived from the deposit and investment of money in the fund remains in the fund and does not transfer or revert to the general fund of the state or any other fund at the end of any fiscal year.


Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, on June 1, 2009, the state treasurer shall deduct three hundred thousand dollars from the fund and transfer such sum to the general fund.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


On and after July 1, 2005, the executive director of the department of human services shall allocate the money in the fund, and any general fund money appropriated for this purpose, to parties to a memorandum of understanding who have agreed to collaborative management pursuant to section 24-1.9-102. The executive director of the department of human services shall:


Beginning July 1, 2023, distribute additional funds appropriated for the 2023-24 state fiscal year to the fund to existing collaborative management programs pursuant to the funding formula in place on June 30, 2023; and


Beginning July 1, 2024, provide an annual sum to each local collaborative management program to provide services to children who would benefit from integrated multi-agency services, including children who have had contact with law enforcement or who are at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. For the 2024-25 state fiscal year and each state fiscal year thereafter, the amount of the sum provided to each local collaborative management program must be determined through a funding formula that considers:


The amount of money available in the fund;


The need for a base of resources to direct a child and the child’s family members to appropriate services; and


The number of children in the population to be served, as defined by the memorandum of understanding pursuant to section 24-1.9-102, in each county or region.


On and after July 1, 2008, the executive director of the department of human services is authorized to allocate money in the fund, and any general fund money appropriated for this purpose, to be used to cover the direct and indirect costs of the external evaluation of the collaborative management program described in section 24-1.9-102 and the technical assistance and training for counties as described in section 24-1.9-102.7.


For purposes of allocating money pursuant to this subsection (3), the executive director of the department of human services shall submit an accounting of money in the fund, and any general fund money appropriated for this purpose, and a proposal for the allocation of money to the state board of human services for review and approval prior to the allocation of the money. The state board of human services shall approve the proposal not later than thirty days after receipt of the proposal from the executive director of the department of human services.

Source: Section 24-1.9-104 — Cash fund - creation - grants, gifts, and donations, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-1.9-104’s source at colorado​.gov