C.R.S. Section 24-11-101
Legal holidays

  • effect


The following days, viz: The first day of January, commonly called New Year’s day; the third Monday in January, which shall be observed as the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; the third Monday in February, commonly called Washington-Lincoln day; the last Monday in May, commonly called Memorial day; the nineteenth day of June, commonly called Juneteenth; the fourth day of July, commonly called Independence day; the first Monday in September, commonly called Labor day; the first Monday in October, commonly called Frances Xavier Cabrini day; the eleventh day of November, commonly called Veterans’ day; the fourth Thursday in November, commonly called Thanksgiving day; the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas day; and any day appointed or recommended by the governor of this state or the president of the United States as a day of fasting or prayer or thanksgiving, are hereby declared to be legal holidays and shall, for all purposes whatsoever, as regards the presenting for payment or acceptance and the protesting and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, drafts, bank checks, promissory notes, or other negotiable instruments and also for the holding of courts, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week commonly called Sunday.


In case any of said holidays or any other legal holiday so designated falls upon a Sunday, then the Monday following shall be considered as the holiday, and all notes, bills, drafts, checks, or other negotiable instruments falling due or maturing on either of said days shall be deemed to be payable on the next succeeding business day. In case the return or adjourned day in any suit, matter, or hearing before any court comes on any day referred to in this section, such suit, matter, or proceeding, commenced or adjourned as aforesaid, shall not, by reason of coming on any such day, abate, but the same shall stand continued to the next succeeding day at the same time and place, unless the next day is Sunday, when in such case the same shall stand continued to the next succeeding secular or business day at the same time and place. Nothing in this section shall prevent the issuing or serving of process on any of the days mentioned in this section or on Sunday.


The provisions of this section shall not operate to prohibit agencies in the executive branch of state government from doing business on any of the legal holidays named in this article. Employees under the jurisdiction of the state personnel system who are required to work on any of the legal holidays named in this article shall be granted an alternate day off in the same fiscal year or be paid in accordance with the state personnel system or state fiscal rules.

Source: Section 24-11-101 — Legal holidays - effect, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 24-11-101’s source at colorado​.gov