C.R.S. Section 24-20-112
Implementation of section 16 of article XVIII of the Colorado constitution

  • criteria for pesticide use
  • education oversight and materials
  • rules


The governor shall designate a state agency to promulgate rules to designate criteria that identify pesticides that may be used in the cultivation of marijuana as authorized pursuant to article 10 of title 44. The designated agency may consult with other state agencies in promulgating the rules. The agency shall publish a list of pesticides that meet the criteria on its website.


The governor shall designate a state agency to work with a private advisory group to develop good cultivation and handling practices for the marijuana industry. The designated agency is encouraged to assist in the formation of a private advisory group. If a private advisory group develops good cultivation and handling practices, an entity licensed pursuant to article 10 of title 44 that follows those practices may include a statement of compliance on its label after receiving certification of compliance. The designated agency may consult with other state agencies to receive technical assistance.


The governor shall designate a state agency to work with a private advisory group to develop good laboratory practices for the retail marijuana industry. The designated agency is strongly encouraged to assist in the formation of a private advisory group. The designated agency may consult with other state agencies to receive technical assistance.


The governor shall designate a state agency that must establish an educational oversight committee composed of members with relevant experience in marijuana issues. The committee shall develop and implement recommendations for education of all necessary stakeholders on issues related to marijuana use, cultivation, and any other relevant issues. The committee shall encourage professions to include marijuana education, if appropriate, as a part of continuing education programs.


The governor shall designate a state agency that shall establish educational materials regarding appropriate retail marijuana use and prevention of marijuana use by those under twenty-one years of age. In establishing educational materials, to the greatest extent possible, the state agency shall utilize established best practices and existing federal and state resources.

Source: Section 24-20-112 — Implementation of section 16 of article XVIII of the Colorado constitution - criteria for pesticide use - education oversight and materials - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-20-112’s source at colorado​.gov