Legislative declaration 24‑32‑102
Definitions 24‑32‑103
Division of local government - created 24‑32‑104
Functions of the division - interconnectivity grant program - interconnectivity grant program fund - reporting - definition 24‑32‑105
Limitation of authority of division 24‑32‑106
Powers of the director 24‑32‑107
Payment of expenses and salaries 24‑32‑108
Establishment of a file 24‑32‑109
Notice of change - failure to file - effect 24‑32‑115
Economic self-sufficiency - development of standards - rules - fund - legislative declaration 24‑32‑116
Inventory of local governmental entities - information required - definitions 24‑32‑118
Military and community partnerships 24‑32‑118.5
Mobile veterans-support unit grant program - fund created - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑119
Gray and black market marijuana enforcement grant program - report - definition 24‑32‑120
Justice reinvestment crime prevention initiative - program - rules - cash funds - reports - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑121
Colorado resiliency office - creation - director - repeal 24‑32‑122
Colorado resiliency office - duties and powers - repeal 24‑32‑123
Defense counsel on first appearance grant program - rules - report - definition - repeal 24‑32‑124
Law enforcement community services grant program - committee - policies and procedures - fund - rules - report - definitions 24‑32‑126
Strategic action plan for upcoming decennial census 24‑32‑127
Community substance use and mental health services grant program - creation - legislative intent 24‑32‑128
Rural economic development initiative grant program - creation - report - definitions 24‑32‑130
Local government affordable housing development incentives grant program - local government planning grant program - creation - report - definitions 24‑32‑131
Best practices in policing study 24‑32‑132
Small community-based nonprofit infrastructure grant program - creation - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑133
Infrastructure and strong communities grant program - creation - fund - reporting - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑134
Disaster resilience rebuilding program - fund - creation - policies - report - definitions 24‑32‑202
Division of planning - creation 24‑32‑203
Duties of the division of planning 24‑32‑204
Population statistics, estimates, and projections 24‑32‑205
Assistance to local planning agencies 24‑32‑207
Reference in contracts, documents 24‑32‑301
Division of commerce and development - creation - director - assistants 24‑32‑302
Purpose 24‑32‑303
Authority and responsibility of the director 24‑32‑305
Offices of division - expenses and salaries - reports and publications 24‑32‑306
Matching funds - gifts - bequests 24‑32‑307
Reference in contracts, documents 24‑32‑701
Short title 24‑32‑702
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑703
Definitions 24‑32‑704
Division of housing - director 24‑32‑705
Functions of division 24‑32‑705.5
Annual public report on funding of affordable housing preservation and production - definition - repeal 24‑32‑706
State housing board 24‑32‑707
Powers of board 24‑32‑717
Housing investment trust fund - loans - definitions 24‑32‑718
Publicly assisted housing - notice of termination - database - high energy performance building standard program - definitions 24‑32‑721
Colorado affordable housing construction grants and loans - housing development grant fund - creation - housing assistance for persons with behavioral, mental health, or substance use disorders - cash fund - appropriation - report to general assembly - rules - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑721.3
Middle income access program - contract with Colorado housing and finance authority for administration of funds - appropriation 24‑32‑721.7
Affordable housing guided toolkit and local officials guide program - creation 24‑32‑723
Office of homeless youth services - creation - function - duties - definitions 24‑32‑724
Fort Lyon property - supportive residential community - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑726
Financial literacy and exchange program - creation - FLEX accounts - FLEX cash fund - short title - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑32‑727
Denver-metropolitan regional navigation campuses grant - regional navigation campuses cash fund - creation - definitions 24‑32‑728
Mobile home park resident empowerment loan program - fund - creation - policies - report - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑32‑729
Transformational affordable housing through local investments - grant program - investments eligible for funding - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑730
Ridge View Supportive Residential Community at the Ridge View campus - report - legislative declaration 24‑32‑731
Revolving loan fund - eligible projects - report - definitions - legislative declaration 24‑32‑732
Connecting Coloradans experiencing homelessness with services, recovery care, and housing supports grant program - funding - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑733
Task force on corporate housing ownership - creation - membership - issues of study - additional duties - report - compensation - staff support - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑801
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑802
Office of rural development created 24‑32‑803
Duties of the office 24‑32‑901
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑902
Definitions 24‑32‑904.5
Compliance with national standards - recreational park trailers - recreational vehicles 24‑32‑907
Injunctive relief 24‑32‑909
Violation - penalty 24‑32‑1201
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑1202
Definitions 24‑32‑1203
State clearinghouse designated - duties - limitations 24‑32‑1620
Effect of repeal of sections 24‑32‑1701
Short title 24‑32‑1702
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑1703
Definitions 24‑32‑1704
Allocation of state ceiling 24‑32‑1705
Allocations to state issuing authorities 24‑32‑1706
Allocations to designated local issuing authorities 24‑32‑1707
Statewide balance 24‑32‑1708
Bond issuance and mortgage credit certificate election - reporting requirement 24‑32‑1709
Application for allocation from statewide balance 24‑32‑1709.5
Administrative costs of the department - private activity bond allocation fund - creation 24‑32‑1710
Notifications and validity of allocations from the statewide balance 24‑32‑1711
Statewide balance carryforward allocations 24‑32‑1712
Time period must end on business day 24‑32‑1713
Effect of mortgage credit certificate election or issuance of bonds without allocation 24‑32‑1714
Severability 24‑32‑1715
Agreement with bond owners 24‑32‑2001
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑2002
Definitions 24‑32‑2003
Colorado youth conservation and service corps council - creation - membership - duties 24‑32‑2004
Colorado youth service corps established - director’s duties 24‑32‑2005
Duties and functions of the youth service corps 24‑32‑2006
Colorado youth service corps - criteria for enrollment 24‑32‑2007
Local youth employment opportunities 24‑32‑2008
Placement under work agreements 24‑32‑2009
Youth service corps members - compensation - scholarship 24‑32‑2010
Youth service corps members not to displace current workers 24‑32‑2011
Acceptance and utilization of funds 24‑32‑2012
Colorado youth service corps fund - created 24‑32‑2013
Conflict with federal requirements 24‑32‑3001
Community-based access grant program - powers and duties of department of local affairs - definitions - legislative declaration 24‑32‑3201
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3202
Definitions 24‑32‑3203
Office of smart growth - creation - powers and duties of executive director 24‑32‑3204
Powers and duties of the office of smart growth 24‑32‑3205
Qualifications 24‑32‑3207
Colorado heritage communities fund - creation - source of funds 24‑32‑3208
Additional sources of funding 24‑32‑3209
Comprehensive planning disputes - development plan disputes - mediation - list of qualified professionals to assist in mediating land use disputes - definitions 24‑32‑3301
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3302
Definitions 24‑32‑3303
Division of housing - powers and duties - rules 24‑32‑3304
State housing board - powers and duties - rules 24‑32‑3305
Rules - advisory committee - enforcement 24‑32‑3306
Recognition of similar standards - compliance with standards 24‑32‑3307
Noncompliance with standards 24‑32‑3308
Violation - penalty 24‑32‑3309
Fees - building regulation fund - rules 24‑32‑3310
Local enforcement 24‑32‑3311
Certification of factory-built structures - rules 24‑32‑3312
Notification and correction of defects 24‑32‑3314
Cooperation with department of revenue 24‑32‑3315
Installers of manufactured homes and tiny homes - registration - fees - educational requirements - rules 24‑32‑3315.5
Contract for the installation of manufactured homes and tiny homes - requirements 24‑32‑3316
Compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions 24‑32‑3317
Installation of manufactured homes and tiny homes - authorization - certificates - inspections - inspector qualification and education requirements - rules 24‑32‑3318
Local installation standards preempted 24‑32‑3319
Prohibited acts 24‑32‑3320
Penalty for violation 24‑32‑3321
Investigations of consumer complaints 24‑32‑3323
Sellers of manufactured homes and tiny homes - registration 24‑32‑3324
Escrow and bonding requirements - rules 24‑32‑3325
Contract for sale of manufactured home or tiny home - requirements 24‑32‑3326
Unlawful sales practices - manufactured homes and tiny homes - fines 24‑32‑3327
Inspections 24‑32‑3328
Tiny homes - standards - rules 24‑32‑3329
Local governments inspections of tiny homes - connection to utilities - rules 24‑32‑3501
Peace officers behavioral health support and community partnerships grant program - created - report - rules - fund - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑3502
Public defender and prosecutor behavioral health support program - policies - report - fund 24‑32‑3601
Short title 24‑32‑3602
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3603
Definitions - rules 24‑32‑3604
Rural economic advancement of Colorado towns - coordination of nonmonetary assistance - application - rules
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑102
Definitions 24‑32‑103
Division of local government - created 24‑32‑104
Functions of the division - interconnectivity grant program - interconnectivity grant program fund - reporting - definition 24‑32‑105
Limitation of authority of division 24‑32‑106
Powers of the director 24‑32‑107
Payment of expenses and salaries 24‑32‑108
Establishment of a file 24‑32‑109
Notice of change - failure to file - effect 24‑32‑115
Economic self-sufficiency - development of standards - rules - fund - legislative declaration 24‑32‑116
Inventory of local governmental entities - information required - definitions 24‑32‑118
Military and community partnerships 24‑32‑118.5
Mobile veterans-support unit grant program - fund created - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑119
Gray and black market marijuana enforcement grant program - report - definition 24‑32‑120
Justice reinvestment crime prevention initiative - program - rules - cash funds - reports - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑121
Colorado resiliency office - creation - director - repeal 24‑32‑122
Colorado resiliency office - duties and powers - repeal 24‑32‑123
Defense counsel on first appearance grant program - rules - report - definition - repeal 24‑32‑124
Law enforcement community services grant program - committee - policies and procedures - fund - rules - report - definitions 24‑32‑126
Strategic action plan for upcoming decennial census 24‑32‑127
Community substance use and mental health services grant program - creation - legislative intent 24‑32‑128
Rural economic development initiative grant program - creation - report - definitions 24‑32‑130
Local government affordable housing development incentives grant program - local government planning grant program - creation - report - definitions 24‑32‑131
Best practices in policing study 24‑32‑132
Small community-based nonprofit infrastructure grant program - creation - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑133
Infrastructure and strong communities grant program - creation - fund - reporting - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑134
Disaster resilience rebuilding program - fund - creation - policies - report - definitions 24‑32‑202
Division of planning - creation 24‑32‑203
Duties of the division of planning 24‑32‑204
Population statistics, estimates, and projections 24‑32‑205
Assistance to local planning agencies 24‑32‑207
Reference in contracts, documents 24‑32‑301
Division of commerce and development - creation - director - assistants 24‑32‑302
Purpose 24‑32‑303
Authority and responsibility of the director 24‑32‑305
Offices of division - expenses and salaries - reports and publications 24‑32‑306
Matching funds - gifts - bequests 24‑32‑307
Reference in contracts, documents 24‑32‑701
Short title 24‑32‑702
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑703
Definitions 24‑32‑704
Division of housing - director 24‑32‑705
Functions of division 24‑32‑705.5
Annual public report on funding of affordable housing preservation and production - definition - repeal 24‑32‑706
State housing board 24‑32‑707
Powers of board 24‑32‑717
Housing investment trust fund - loans - definitions 24‑32‑718
Publicly assisted housing - notice of termination - database - high energy performance building standard program - definitions 24‑32‑721
Colorado affordable housing construction grants and loans - housing development grant fund - creation - housing assistance for persons with behavioral, mental health, or substance use disorders - cash fund - appropriation - report to general assembly - rules - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑721.3
Middle income access program - contract with Colorado housing and finance authority for administration of funds - appropriation 24‑32‑721.7
Affordable housing guided toolkit and local officials guide program - creation 24‑32‑723
Office of homeless youth services - creation - function - duties - definitions 24‑32‑724
Fort Lyon property - supportive residential community - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑726
Financial literacy and exchange program - creation - FLEX accounts - FLEX cash fund - short title - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑32‑727
Denver-metropolitan regional navigation campuses grant - regional navigation campuses cash fund - creation - definitions 24‑32‑728
Mobile home park resident empowerment loan program - fund - creation - policies - report - legislative declaration - definitions 24‑32‑729
Transformational affordable housing through local investments - grant program - investments eligible for funding - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑730
Ridge View Supportive Residential Community at the Ridge View campus - report - legislative declaration 24‑32‑731
Revolving loan fund - eligible projects - report - definitions - legislative declaration 24‑32‑732
Connecting Coloradans experiencing homelessness with services, recovery care, and housing supports grant program - funding - report - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑733
Task force on corporate housing ownership - creation - membership - issues of study - additional duties - report - compensation - staff support - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑801
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑802
Office of rural development created 24‑32‑803
Duties of the office 24‑32‑901
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑902
Definitions 24‑32‑904.5
Compliance with national standards - recreational park trailers - recreational vehicles 24‑32‑907
Injunctive relief 24‑32‑909
Violation - penalty 24‑32‑1201
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑1202
Definitions 24‑32‑1203
State clearinghouse designated - duties - limitations 24‑32‑1620
Effect of repeal of sections 24‑32‑1701
Short title 24‑32‑1702
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑1703
Definitions 24‑32‑1704
Allocation of state ceiling 24‑32‑1705
Allocations to state issuing authorities 24‑32‑1706
Allocations to designated local issuing authorities 24‑32‑1707
Statewide balance 24‑32‑1708
Bond issuance and mortgage credit certificate election - reporting requirement 24‑32‑1709
Application for allocation from statewide balance 24‑32‑1709.5
Administrative costs of the department - private activity bond allocation fund - creation 24‑32‑1710
Notifications and validity of allocations from the statewide balance 24‑32‑1711
Statewide balance carryforward allocations 24‑32‑1712
Time period must end on business day 24‑32‑1713
Effect of mortgage credit certificate election or issuance of bonds without allocation 24‑32‑1714
Severability 24‑32‑1715
Agreement with bond owners 24‑32‑2001
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑2002
Definitions 24‑32‑2003
Colorado youth conservation and service corps council - creation - membership - duties 24‑32‑2004
Colorado youth service corps established - director’s duties 24‑32‑2005
Duties and functions of the youth service corps 24‑32‑2006
Colorado youth service corps - criteria for enrollment 24‑32‑2007
Local youth employment opportunities 24‑32‑2008
Placement under work agreements 24‑32‑2009
Youth service corps members - compensation - scholarship 24‑32‑2010
Youth service corps members not to displace current workers 24‑32‑2011
Acceptance and utilization of funds 24‑32‑2012
Colorado youth service corps fund - created 24‑32‑2013
Conflict with federal requirements 24‑32‑3001
Community-based access grant program - powers and duties of department of local affairs - definitions - legislative declaration 24‑32‑3201
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3202
Definitions 24‑32‑3203
Office of smart growth - creation - powers and duties of executive director 24‑32‑3204
Powers and duties of the office of smart growth 24‑32‑3205
Qualifications 24‑32‑3207
Colorado heritage communities fund - creation - source of funds 24‑32‑3208
Additional sources of funding 24‑32‑3209
Comprehensive planning disputes - development plan disputes - mediation - list of qualified professionals to assist in mediating land use disputes - definitions 24‑32‑3301
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3302
Definitions 24‑32‑3303
Division of housing - powers and duties - rules 24‑32‑3304
State housing board - powers and duties - rules 24‑32‑3305
Rules - advisory committee - enforcement 24‑32‑3306
Recognition of similar standards - compliance with standards 24‑32‑3307
Noncompliance with standards 24‑32‑3308
Violation - penalty 24‑32‑3309
Fees - building regulation fund - rules 24‑32‑3310
Local enforcement 24‑32‑3311
Certification of factory-built structures - rules 24‑32‑3312
Notification and correction of defects 24‑32‑3314
Cooperation with department of revenue 24‑32‑3315
Installers of manufactured homes and tiny homes - registration - fees - educational requirements - rules 24‑32‑3315.5
Contract for the installation of manufactured homes and tiny homes - requirements 24‑32‑3316
Compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions 24‑32‑3317
Installation of manufactured homes and tiny homes - authorization - certificates - inspections - inspector qualification and education requirements - rules 24‑32‑3318
Local installation standards preempted 24‑32‑3319
Prohibited acts 24‑32‑3320
Penalty for violation 24‑32‑3321
Investigations of consumer complaints 24‑32‑3323
Sellers of manufactured homes and tiny homes - registration 24‑32‑3324
Escrow and bonding requirements - rules 24‑32‑3325
Contract for sale of manufactured home or tiny home - requirements 24‑32‑3326
Unlawful sales practices - manufactured homes and tiny homes - fines 24‑32‑3327
Inspections 24‑32‑3328
Tiny homes - standards - rules 24‑32‑3329
Local governments inspections of tiny homes - connection to utilities - rules 24‑32‑3501
Peace officers behavioral health support and community partnerships grant program - created - report - rules - fund - definitions - repeal 24‑32‑3502
Public defender and prosecutor behavioral health support program - policies - report - fund 24‑32‑3601
Short title 24‑32‑3602
Legislative declaration 24‑32‑3603
Definitions - rules 24‑32‑3604
Rural economic advancement of Colorado towns - coordination of nonmonetary assistance - application - rules