C.R.S. Section 24-38.5-503
Community access to electric bicycles grant program

  • creation
  • eligibility

(1)(a)(I) The community access to electric bicycles grant program is created to help finance bike share programs and ownership programs that local governments, tribal governments, or nonprofit organizations administer or plan to administer in the state. The office shall administer the grant program. To be eligible to apply for money under the grant program, a local government, tribal government, or nonprofit organization must administer or plan to administer, or contract with a third party to administer:


A bike share program using a fleet of electric bicycles; or


An ownership program offering an electric bicycle to a specific individual or household.


A local government, tribal government, or nonprofit organization awarded money under the grant program may use the money to purchase and maintain electric bicycles, equipment, and infrastructure for its bike share program or ownership program, pay labor costs related to implementation of the program, and cover the direct and indirect administrative costs that the local government, the tribal government, the nonprofit organization, or a third-party contractor incurs in implementing the program.


In administering the grant program, the office shall establish an application process for local governments, tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations to use to apply for money under the grant program. The office shall post information about the application process on its website.


The office shall develop:


Criteria for awarding grant money, which criteria must include:


Giving priority to local governments, tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations offering a program in:


One or more disproportionately impacted communities; or


One or more nonattainment areas;


A requirement that the local government or nonprofit organization provide at least a certain percentage of matching money for the program; and


A requirement that a local government, tribal government, or nonprofit organization that applies for grant money for a planned, but not yet implemented, program demonstrate to the satisfaction of the office that the local government, tribal government, or nonprofit organization, after receiving money under the grant program, will be able to start implementing the program within a certain number of months after receiving the money, as determined by the office;


Periodic reporting requirements for a grantee to demonstrate that the money awarded is being used in compliance with the purposes of this section; and


Procedures for addressing a grantee’s noncompliance with this section, including procedures for reimbursement of money awarded.


The office may use up to nine percent of the money in the fund to cover the direct and indirect costs the office incurs in administering the grant program.

Source: Section 24-38.5-503 — Community access to electric bicycles grant program - creation - eligibility, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Community access to electric bicycles grant program - creation - eligibility
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Community access to electric bicycles cash fund - creation - gifts, grants, or donations - transfer
Repeal of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-38.5-503’s source at colorado​.gov