Legislative declaration - relocation assistance 24‑56‑102
Definitions 24‑56‑103
Moving and related expenses 24‑56‑104
Replacement housing for homeowners 24‑56‑105
Replacement housing for tenants and certain others 24‑56‑106
Relocation assistance advisory programs 24‑56‑107
Assurance of availability of standard housing 24‑56‑108
Authority of the department of local affairs 24‑56‑109
Administration 24‑56‑110
Fund availability 24‑56‑111
State participation in cost of local relocation payments and services 24‑56‑112
Payments not to be considered as income or resources 24‑56‑113
Appeal procedure 24‑56‑114
Expenses incidental to transfer of title 24‑56‑115
Litigation expenses 24‑56‑116
Inverse condemnation proceedings 24‑56‑117
Real property acquisition policies 24‑56‑118
Buildings, structures, and improvements 24‑56‑119
No duplication of payments 24‑56‑120
No new value or damage element created 24‑56‑121
Legislative declaration - relocation assistance 24‑56‑102
Definitions 24‑56‑103
Moving and related expenses 24‑56‑104
Replacement housing for homeowners 24‑56‑105
Replacement housing for tenants and certain others 24‑56‑106
Relocation assistance advisory programs 24‑56‑107
Assurance of availability of standard housing 24‑56‑108
Authority of the department of local affairs 24‑56‑109
Administration 24‑56‑110
Fund availability 24‑56‑111
State participation in cost of local relocation payments and services 24‑56‑112
Payments not to be considered as income or resources 24‑56‑113
Appeal procedure 24‑56‑114
Expenses incidental to transfer of title 24‑56‑115
Litigation expenses 24‑56‑116
Inverse condemnation proceedings 24‑56‑117
Real property acquisition policies 24‑56‑118
Buildings, structures, and improvements 24‑56‑119
No duplication of payments 24‑56‑120
No new value or damage element created 24‑56‑121