Short title 24‑67‑102
Legislative declaration 24‑67‑103
Definitions 24‑67‑104
Implementation of article 24‑67‑105
Standards and conditions for planned unit development 24‑67‑105.5
Review of planned unit development 24‑67‑106
Enforcement and modification of provisions of the plan 24‑67‑107
Application and construction of article 24‑67‑108
Model resolutions - subdivisions - improvement notices
Short title 24‑67‑102
Legislative declaration 24‑67‑103
Definitions 24‑67‑104
Implementation of article 24‑67‑105
Standards and conditions for planned unit development 24‑67‑105.5
Review of planned unit development 24‑67‑106
Enforcement and modification of provisions of the plan 24‑67‑107
Application and construction of article 24‑67‑108
Model resolutions - subdivisions - improvement notices