C.R.S. Section 25-16.5-106
Pollution prevention activities program


The advisory board shall contract with a provider or providers, which may include the department, to develop a pollution prevention activities program. The pollution prevention activities program shall be carried out to make pollution prevention the environmental management tool of first choice, and the provider which provides the services pursuant to contract shall have the following powers and duties:


To provide education and training about pollution prevention to businesses that use or produce hazardous substances and their employees, local and state governments, and the general public. Such education and training may include pollution prevention techniques, total cost analysis of toxics use and pollution prevention techniques, economic evaluation methods of such techniques, and management and employee involvement and public involvement.


To expand the pollution prevention technical library and resource center providing access to information on new products, production process techniques, and raw materials for production related to pollution prevention, technical reports, fact-sheets, case studies, articles, and other reference materials;


To collect and evaluate information on toxics use reduction and waste reduction and the amount of hazardous substances used in Colorado as the basis for establishing pollution prevention priorities and measuring progress in achieving pollution prevention program objectives;


To conduct an evaluation of pollution prevention activities in this state analyzing existing data to determine what priority should be given to different hazardous substances and production processes;


To prepare a report with data on the amount of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants used in Colorado and the amount of pollution released in Colorado prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. Such report shall be developed from existing sources and updated every two years and used as a tool to measure the success of the pollution prevention activities program and the technical assistance program in Colorado.


To develop other methods to measure the success of pollution prevention projects at facilities. Methods shall be developed to measure the use of hazardous substances for production processes and the amount of waste prior to waste management practices.


To cooperate with the advisory board in the performance of duties assigned to the board, including the review of environmental regulatory programs, laws, and policies for identifying pollution prevention opportunities and incentives;


To coordinate with any of the academic institutions or other recipients of grants under the technical assistance program pursuant to section 25-16.5-107.

Source: Section 25-16.5-106 — Pollution prevention activities program, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-25.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 25-16.5-106’s source at colorado​.gov