Short title 26‑11‑100.2
Legislative declaration 26‑11‑101
Commission on the aging - created - definition 26‑11‑102
Organization of commission 26‑11‑103
Reimbursement for expenses 26‑11‑104
Director - liaison and staff 26‑11‑105
Duties of commission - report 26‑11‑106
Gifts - grants 26‑11‑201
Definitions 26‑11‑202
State office on aging 26‑11‑203
Duties of the state office 26‑11‑204
Area agency on aging - duties 26‑11‑205
Area agency on aging advisory council 26‑11‑205.5
Older Coloradans program - distribution formula - cash fund 26‑11‑205.7
Community long-term care study - older Coloradans study cash fund - strategic plan - authority to implement 26‑11‑206
Federal requirements - compliance 26‑11‑207
Family caregiver support program - creation 26‑11‑208
Strategic investments in aging grant program - fund created - report - definitions 26‑11‑301
Definitions 26‑11‑302
Lifelong Colorado initiative - created - reporting
Short title 26‑11‑100.2
Legislative declaration 26‑11‑101
Commission on the aging - created - definition 26‑11‑102
Organization of commission 26‑11‑103
Reimbursement for expenses 26‑11‑104
Director - liaison and staff 26‑11‑105
Duties of commission - report 26‑11‑106
Gifts - grants 26‑11‑201
Definitions 26‑11‑202
State office on aging 26‑11‑203
Duties of the state office 26‑11‑204
Area agency on aging - duties 26‑11‑205
Area agency on aging advisory council 26‑11‑205.5
Older Coloradans program - distribution formula - cash fund 26‑11‑205.7
Community long-term care study - older Coloradans study cash fund - strategic plan - authority to implement 26‑11‑206
Federal requirements - compliance 26‑11‑207
Family caregiver support program - creation 26‑11‑208
Strategic investments in aging grant program - fund created - report - definitions 26‑11‑301
Definitions 26‑11‑302
Lifelong Colorado initiative - created - reporting