C.R.S. Section 26-11.5-106
Local ombudsmen

  • representatives of office


A local ombudsman or a local PACE ombudsman, whether an employee or volunteer of a local ombudsman program, is considered a representative of the office for the purposes of carrying out policies and procedures adopted by the state long-term care ombudsman or state PACE ombudsman in accordance with this article 11.5, but only upon the completion of training and designation as a qualified representative by the state long-term care ombudsman or state PACE ombudsman. As a representative of the office, a local ombudsman or a local PACE ombudsman shall follow rules of the state department and policies and procedures established by the state long-term care ombudsman or state PACE ombudsman.


Each local ombudsman or local PACE ombudsman shall carry an identification card issued annually and signed by the state long-term care ombudsman or state PACE ombudsman and shall, upon the request of a supervisory staff member of a facility, present such card in order to obtain access to residents and records of such facility.

Source: Section 26-11.5-106 — Local ombudsmen - representatives of office, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-26.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 26-11.5-106’s source at colorado​.gov