Section 26-6-902
Legislative declaration
The general assembly finds that regulation and licensing of foster care homes, residential and day treatment child care facilities, and child placement agencies contribute to a safe and healthy environment for children and youth. The provision of such an environment affords benefits to children and youth, their families, their communities, and the larger society. It is the intent of the general assembly that those who regulate and those who are regulated work together to meet the needs of the children, youth, their families, foster care providers, child placement agencies, and residential and day treatment child care facilities.(2)
In balancing the needs of children and their families with the needs of child placement agencies and the residential and day treatment child care industry, the general assembly also recognizes the financial demands the department of human services faces in its attempt to ensure a safe and sanitary environment for children of the state of Colorado who are in foster care with child placement agencies or in residential and day treatment child care facilities. In an effort to reduce the risk to children placed outside their homes while recognizing the financial constraints placed on the department, it is the intent of the general assembly that the limited resources available are focused primarily on residential and day treatment child care facilities and agencies that have demonstrated that children in their care may be at higher risk.
Section 26-6-902 — Legislative declaration, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-26.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).