C.R.S. Section 27-50-703
Advisory council

  • regional subcommittees
  • subcommittees
  • working groups


The BHA shall create a regional subcommittee structure as part of the behavioral health administrative service organizations to promote local community input pertaining to behavioral health service needs. In establishing a regional subcommittee structure, the BHA shall, to the best of the BHA’s ability, align geographically with judicial districts whenever feasible, taking into consideration community feedback on where and how individuals receive services in their communities. Regional subcommittee members are appointed for three-year terms; except that initial terms may be for two years. The subcommittee consists of nine members. Membership of the regional subcommittees must include:


One individual with expertise in the behavioral health needs of children and youth appointed by a local or regional public health or human service agency within the subcommittee’s region;


One individual who represents a behavioral health safety net provider that operates within the region appointed by a local or regional public health or human service agency within the subcommittee’s region;


A county commissioner of a county situated within the region appointed by the BHA;


One individual with a connection to a kindergarten through twelfth grade school district within the subcommittee’s region appointed by a local or regional public health or human service agency within the subcommittee’s region;


One individual with the criminal justice system within the subcommittee’s region appointed by a local or regional public health or human service agency within the subcommittee’s region;


One individual with lived experience or a community member who is not also a behavioral health provider appointed by a local or regional public health or human service agency within the subcommittee’s region;


One individual with lived experience appointed by the BHA; and


Two individuals with lived experience not associated with a behavioral health treatment provider appointed by the behavioral health administrative service organization created pursuant to part 4 of this article 50 who represent the subcommittee’s region.


The regional subcommittee is created to directly inform the behavioral health administrative service organization in the region in order to improve services, accountability, and transparency in the region. The behavioral health administrative service organization shall staff all subcommittee meetings, which shall meet a minimum of six times a year and allow for public comment during each meeting. The behavioral health administrative service organization shall engage with the regional subcommittee, at a minimum, on the following areas:


When determining what services are needed to establish a full continuum of care in the region;


When addressing barriers to individuals accessing quality and timely care in the region; and


Needed specialty services for priority populations.


The behavioral health administration advisory council, created pursuant to section 27-50-701, shall establish a process to receive direct feedback from the regional subcommittee throughout the year to consider including in the behavioral health administration advisory council’s annual report required pursuant to section 27-50-701 (2)(d).


The BHA may create committees within the advisory council to meet other state and federal board or advisory council requirements, which may include:


The behavioral health planning and advisory council, authorized pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec. 300x-3;


The mental health advisory board for service standards and rules created pursuant to section 27-65-130; and


The child and youth mental health services standards advisory board created pursuant to section 27-67-109.


Unless committee membership is established pursuant to state or federal law, the regional subcommittee and committee membership shall maintain a majority of members who represent individuals with lived behavioral health experience or families of individuals with lived behavioral health experience.


The advisory council has the authority to create advisory council workgroups focused on topics of need as determined by the advisory council in collaboration with the BHA.

Source: Section 27-50-703 — Advisory council - regional subcommittees - subcommittees - working groups, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-27.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Behavioral health administration - creation - coordination - health oversight agency
Behavioral health commissioner - appointment - powers, duties, and functions - subdivisions of the BHA
Powers and duties of the commissioner - rules
Administration of behavioral health programs - state plan - sole mental health authority - gifts, grants, or donations
Transfer of functions
State board of human services - rules
Systemwide behavioral health grievance system
Behavioral health system monitoring - capacity - safety net performance
Formal agreements - state agencies and tribal governments
Universal contracting provisions - requirements
Behavioral health safety net system implementation
Requirement to serve priority populations - screening and triage for individuals in need of behavioral health services - referrals
Essential behavioral health safety net providers - approval to serve limited priority populations
Behavioral health safety net provider network - incentives - preferred status - rules
Regional behavioral health administrative services organizations - establishment
Behavioral health administrative services organizations - application - designation - denial - revocation
Behavioral health administrative services organizations - contract requirements - individual access - care coordination
Care coordination - responsibilities of behavioral health administrative services organizations - coordination with managed care entities
Behavioral health administrative services organizations - stakeholder input - report - rules
Behavioral health entities - license required - criminal and civil penalties
Behavioral health entities - minimum standard - rules
Licenses - application - inspection - issuance
License fees - rules
License - denial - suspension - revocation
Behavioral health licensing cash fund - creation
Employee and contracted service provider - criminal history record check
Purchase of services by courts, counties, municipalities, school districts, and other political subdivisions
Behavioral health entities - consumer information - reporting - release - rules
Department of health care policy and financing - behavioral health network standards
Division of insurance behavioral health network standards
State agency behavioral health network and program standards
Behavioral health administration advisory council - creation
Advisory council - membership
Advisory council - regional subcommittees - subcommittees - working groups
Veteran suicide prevention pilot program - rules - report - definitions - repeal
Study of health effects of felonizing fentanyl possession - repeal
Technical assistance to jails - appropriation - repeal
Short title
Sixth through twelfth grade mental health screening program - created - rules
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 27-50-703’s source at colorado​.gov