C.R.S. Section 29-11-104
Use of funds collected


(2)(a)(I) Money collected from the emergency telephone charge imposed pursuant to section 29-11-102, the 911 surcharge imposed pursuant to section 29-11-102.3, and the prepaid wireless 911 charge imposed pursuant to section 29-11-102.5 shall be spent by or on behalf of a governing body solely to pay for:


Costs associated with the lease or purchase, installation, engineering, programming, maintenance, monitoring, security, planning, and oversight of equipment, facilities, hardware, software, and databases used to receive and dispatch 911 calls;


Charges of basic emergency service providers (BESPs) for the provision of basic emergency service;


Costs related to the provision of the emergency notification service and emergency telephone service, including costs associated with total implementation of both services by emergency service providers, including costs for programming, emergency medical services provided by telephone, radio equipment within the PSAP, and training for PSAP personnel;


Costs associated with the operation of emergency telephone service and emergency notification service, including recordkeeping, administrative, and facilities costs, whether the facilities are leased or owned;


Membership fees for state or national industry organizations supporting 911; and


Other costs directly related to the continued operation of the emergency telephone service and the emergency notification service.


If money is available after the costs and charges enumerated in subsection (2)(a)(I) of this section are fully paid in a given year, the money may be expended for:


Public safety radio equipment outside the PSAP; or


Personnel expenses necessarily incurred for a PSAP or the governing body in the provision of emergency telephone service.


(c)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 1880, § 3, effective July 1, 2004.)(3) A public agency shall credit money from the charges imposed pursuant to sections 29-11-102, 29-11-102.3, and 29-11-102.5 to a cash fund, apart from the general fund of the public agency, for payments pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. Any money remaining in such cash fund at the end of any fiscal year remains in the cash fund for payments during any succeeding year; except that, if such emergency telephone service is discontinued, money remaining in the fund after all payments to the service suppliers, basic emergency service providers, and all equipment suppliers pursuant to subsection (2) of this section have been made shall be transferred to the general fund of the public agency or proportionately to the general fund of each participating public agency.


A wireless carrier or BESP that provides wireless ALI or wireless ANI services at the request of a governing body, and pursuant to a contract between the wireless carrier or BESP and the governing body, shall be reimbursed by such governing body or its designee for the costs incurred in making any equipment changes necessary for the provision of such services.


Each governing body shall include as a part of the audit required by part 6 of article 1 of this title an audit on the use of the funds collected from the charges imposed pursuant to this article for compliance with paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section. A copy of each audit report shall be made available on the governing body’s website if the governing body has a website.

Source: Section 29-11-104 — Use of funds collected, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-29.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 29-11-104’s source at colorado​.gov