C.R.S. Section 29-23-108
Board of directors

  • powers and duties


The board shall have the power to promote the reuse and development of the Pueblo depot activity for the benefit of the community and the state.


In addition to any other powers specifically granted to the board in this article, the board has the following powers and duties:


To have and to use a seal and to alter the same at pleasure;


To maintain an office at such place as it may designate;


To borrow money and contract to borrow money for the purpose of issuing bonds, notes, bond anticipation notes, or other obligations for any of the authority’s corporate purposes and to fund or refund such obligations as provided in this article;


To sue and be a party to suits, actions, and proceedings;


To enter into contracts and agreements affecting the affairs of the authority including, but not limited to, contracts with the United States and the state of Colorado and any of their agencies or instrumentalities, political subdivisions of the state of Colorado, corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, organizations, or other legal entities and individuals;


To acquire, hold, lease, and otherwise dispose of and encumber real and personal property and equipment;


To acquire, lease, rent, manage, operate, construct, and maintain facilities and improvements of the Pueblo depot activity;


To operate transportation systems, including but not limited to rail switching, van pools, and commuter shuttles for the direct benefit of the businesses, employees, and visitors of the Pueblo depot activity;


To provide for utilities and related services for the Pueblo depot activity, including but not limited to potable water, wastewater, gas, electricity, fire protection, and security;


To make and pass resolutions and orders which are necessary for the governance and management of the affairs of the authority, for the execution of the powers vested in the authority, and for carrying out the provisions of this article;


To prescribe by resolution a system of business administration, to create any and all necessary offices, to establish the powers, duties, and compensation of all employees, and to require and set the amount of all official bonds necessary for the protection of the funds and property of the authority;


To appoint and retain employees, agents, and consultants to make recommendations, coordinate authority activities, conduct routine business of the authority, and act on behalf of the authority under such conditions and restrictions as shall be fixed by the board;


To adopt plans as guidance for the development and redevelopment of the Pueblo depot activity;


To cooperate with and exchange services, personnel, and information with any federal, state, or local governmental agency;


To procure insurance against any loss in connection with its property and other assets including loans and loan notes in such amounts and from such insurers as it may determine;


To procure insurance or guarantees from any public or private entity, including any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, for payment of any bonds issued by the authority, including the power to pay premiums on any such insurance;


To receive and accept from any source gifts or contributions of money, property, labor, or other things of value to be held, used, and applied to carry out the purposes of this article, including but not limited to gifts or grants from any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United states for any purpose consistent with the provisions of this article;


To operate transportation systems, utilities, and other services directly related to the purposes of the authority and property outside the boundaries of the authority as are necessary to serve directly the Pueblo depot activity and promote its reuse and development; except that the authority shall not operate transportation systems, utilities, services, and properties in any territory located outside the boundaries of the authority and within the boundaries of a municipality without the consent of the governing body of such municipality or within the unincorporated boundaries of a county without the consent of the governing body of such county; and


To have and exercise all rights and powers necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this article, including any rights and powers incidental to or implied from the specific powers granted to the authority by this article.

Source: Section 29-23-108 — Board of directors - powers and duties, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-29.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 29-23-108’s source at colorado​.gov