C.R.S. Section 29-26-101
Legislative declaration


The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:


It is in the public interest to maintain a diverse housing stock in order to preserve some diversity of housing opportunities for the state’s residents and people of low- and moderate-income.


A housing shortage for persons of low- and moderate-income is detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. In particular, the inability of such persons to reside near where they work negatively affects the balance between jobs and housing in many regions of the state and has serious detrimental transportation and environmental consequences.


As an initial step in fostering the establishment of affordable housing dwelling unit programs that will satisfy the housing needs of all the residents of a particular jurisdiction, it is appropriate for the general assembly to authorize local governments to establish affordable housing dwelling unit advisory boards.


In selecting members of the advisory boards, the governing bodies of local government shall give preference to residents of the jurisdiction who have demonstrated experience in housing matters, preferably within the territorial boundaries of the jurisdiction, as a result of their current or former experience, without limitation, as a:


Registered or certified civil engineer or architect;




Real estate broker licensed in accordance with part 2 of article 10 of title 12;


Representative of a lending institution that finances residential development within the territorial boundaries of the local government;


Representative of the local housing authority;


Residential builder with extensive experience in producing single-family or multiple-family dwelling units;


Representative of either the public works or planning department of the local government; or


Representative of a nonprofit housing organization that provides services within the territorial boundaries of the local government.


In addition, one or more members of the board, in the discretion of the local government, shall be a resident of the jurisdiction without demonstrated experience in housing matters.


In creating this article, the general assembly intends that affordable housing dwelling unit advisory boards shall address the housing needs of low- and moderate-income persons, promote a full range of housing choices, and develop effective policies to encourage the construction and continued existence of affordable housing.

Source: Section 29-26-101 — Legislative declaration, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-29.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 29-26-101’s source at colorado​.gov