C.R.S. Section 29-3-119
No county or municipal operation


When all principal of, interest on, and any prior redemption premium due in connection with the bonds issued for a project leased to a user have been paid in full and in the event the option to purchase or option to renew the lease, if any, contained in the lease has not been exercised as to all of the property contained in the project, the lease shall terminate and the county or municipality shall sell such remaining property or devote the same to county or municipal purposes other than manufacturing, commercial, or industrial.


Any such sale which is not made pursuant to the exercise of an option to purchase by the user of a project shall be conducted in the same manner as is then provided by law governing the issuer’s sale of surplus property.

Source: Section 29-3-119 — No county or municipal operation, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-29.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 29-3-119’s source at colorado​.gov