C.R.S. Section 30-15-401.5
Fire safety standards


In addition to any other powers granted by the general assembly, the board of county commissioners of each county has the power to adopt ordinances to provide for minimum fire safety standards which shall be modeled upon those contained in the uniform fire code, including the table of contents, indices, appendices, and tables, as promulgated by the international conference of building officials, the international fire code institute, and the western fire chiefs association.


A board of county commissioners may adopt such ordinances only after it has approved the formation of and received the recommendations of a permanent commission, to be known as the fire code adoption and revision commission. The commission shall consist of the board or its designees, the fire chiefs whose departments or districts lie partially or wholly within the portion of the affected county encompassed by the proposed fire code, and such other members as the board may appoint. Members of the commission appointed by the board shall serve at the pleasure of the board. Members of the commission shall receive no compensation or reimbursement of expenses for their services on the commission.


Such ordinances shall apply to all or a portion of the unincorporated area of the county and any incorporated town or city which elects by ordinance or resolution to have the provisions thereof apply.


A fire protection district or county improvement district providing fire protection services may propose fire code provisions for its district that may be different from the minimum fire safety standards adopted by the county. Such provisions shall be effective within the petitioning fire protection district or county improvement district providing fire protection services only upon the approval of the board.


No fire code provisions adopted pursuant to this section shall apply within any municipality unless the governing body of the municipality adopts a resolution stating that such provisions shall be applicable within its boundaries.


The provisions of subsection (3) of this section shall not apply to farms or ranches.


Fire protection districts organized pursuant to article 1 of title 32, C.R.S., and county improvement districts providing fire protection services organized pursuant to part 5 of article 20 of this title shall enforce the fire safety standards adopted by county ordinances within the fire district’s jurisdiction. The county commissioners may contract with an enforcement agency for areas of the county not receiving fire protection.


Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the validity of any ordinance adopted by a board of county commissioners before July 1, 1985.


Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a board of county commissioners to provide fire protection services to any area of the county or to require a board of county commissioners to adopt fire safety standards.


Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no fire protection district shall prohibit the sale of permissible fireworks, as defined in section 24-33.5-2001 (11), within its jurisdiction.

Source: Section 30-15-401.5 — Fire safety standards, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-30.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Pet animal control and licensing
Violations - penalties
Disposition of fines and forfeitures
Liability for accident or subsequent disease from impoundment
Animal control officers - peace officer designation
Penalty for leaving campfire unattended
Penalty for defacing or destroying notices
Board of county commissioners to designate area
Violation - penalty
Jurisdiction - enforcement
General regulations - definitions
Regulations to prevent the operation of illicit massage businesses - legislative declaration - definitions
Fire safety standards
Determination of fire hazard area - community wildfire protection plans - adoption - legislative declaration - definitions
Violations - penalty - surcharges - victim and witness assistance - brain injury trust fund
Enforcement personnel - peace officer designation
Style of ordinances
Majority must vote for ordinances - proving ordinances
Record and publication of ordinances
Reading before board of county commissioners - publication
Reading - adoption of code
Disposition of fines and forfeitures
One-year limitation of suits
County courts - jurisdiction
Conflicts with state statutes
License required
License not transferable
Revocation or cancellation of licenses
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 30-15-401.5’s source at colorado​.gov