Legislative declaration 30‑20‑101
Definitions 30‑20‑101.5
Additional powers of the department - legislative declaration 30‑20‑102
Unlawful to operate site and facility without certificate of designation - rules - exceptions 30‑20‑102.5
Requirement for certificate of designation deemed satisfied - when 30‑20‑103
Application for certificate 30‑20‑103.5
Existing solid wastes disposal sites and facilities - application procedures 30‑20‑103.7
Review of applications by private contractors 30‑20‑104
Factors to be considered 30‑20‑104.5
Closure and postclosure care estimates - corrective action cost estimates - financial assurance requirements - rules 30‑20‑105
Certificate - state financial assurance requirements 30‑20‑107
Designation of exclusive sites and facilities 30‑20‑107.5
Operation of landfill gas facilities within solid wastes disposal sites and facilities 30‑20‑108
Contracts with governmental units authorized 30‑20‑109
Commission to promulgate rules - definitions 30‑20‑110
Minimum standards 30‑20‑110.5
Beneficial use of biosolids - water quality control commission to set fees - fund created - repeal 30‑20‑111
Departments to render assistance 30‑20‑112
Revocation of certificate 30‑20‑113
Inspection - enforcement - nuisances - violations - civil penalty 30‑20‑114
Violation - penalty 30‑20‑115
Solid wastes disposal site and facility fund - tax - fees 30‑20‑116
Privately owned solid wastes disposal site and facility - user fees 30‑20‑117
Siting and operation of solid waste-to-energy incineration system 30‑20‑118
Solid waste management fund - created 30‑20‑119
Disposal of low-level radioactive waste 30‑20‑120
Imminent and substantial endangerment from solid waste - definitions 30‑20‑122
Additional duties of the department - data collection on recycling, solid waste, and solid waste diversion - report 30‑20‑124
Closed landfill remediation grant program - creation - administration - application process - uses of grant program money - advisory committee - rules - fund - evaluation - report - definitions - repeal 30‑20‑201
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑202
Creation - proviso 30‑20‑203
Powers 30‑20‑204
Budget 30‑20‑205
Character of this part 2 30‑20‑301
Definitions 30‑20‑302
Public improvements within and without boundaries 30‑20‑303
Anticipation warrants 30‑20‑304
Power to lease 30‑20‑305
Terms and interest 30‑20‑306
Revenue and sinking fund - pledge of general income prohibited 30‑20‑307
Donations or gifts 30‑20‑308
Authentication before delivery 30‑20‑309
Obligations payable from project revenue only 30‑20‑310
Numbering and retirement 30‑20‑401
Definitions 30‑20‑402
Powers 30‑20‑403
Authorization of facilities and bonds 30‑20‑404
Bond provisions 30‑20‑405
Signatures on bonds 30‑20‑406
Tax exemption 30‑20‑407
Covenants in bond resolution 30‑20‑408
No county liability on bonds 30‑20‑409
Remedies of bondholders 30‑20‑410
Refunding bonds 30‑20‑411
Incontestable recital in bonds 30‑20‑412
Application of bond proceeds 30‑20‑413
Continuing rights of bondholders 30‑20‑414
Validation 30‑20‑415
Effect of and limitations upon validation 30‑20‑416
Compulsory sewer connections - owner to be notified 30‑20‑417
Resolution adopted 30‑20‑418
Cost of connection 30‑20‑419
Appropriation from system 30‑20‑420
Failure to pay rates and charges - lien 30‑20‑421
Prior rates and charges declared valid 30‑20‑422
Construction of this part 4 30‑20‑501
Short title 30‑20‑502
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑503
Definitions 30‑20‑504
Authority of governing body 30‑20‑505
Organization petition - contents 30‑20‑506
Bond of petitioners 30‑20‑507
Notice of hearing 30‑20‑508
Hearing - dismissal - findings - declaration - when action barred 30‑20‑509
Recording of resolution 30‑20‑510
Governing body constitutes board - duties 30‑20‑511
Meetings 30‑20‑512
General powers of district 30‑20‑512.5
Local improvement districts - authority to establish 30‑20‑513
Determination of special benefits - factors considered 30‑20‑514
Power to levy taxes 30‑20‑515
Determining and fixing rate of levy 30‑20‑516
Levies to cover deficiencies 30‑20‑517
County officers to levy and collect taxes - liens 30‑20‑518
Property sold for taxes 30‑20‑519
Reserve fund 30‑20‑520
Inclusion or exclusion - petition - notice - hearing - order 30‑20‑521
Liability of property 30‑20‑522
Board can issue bonds - form - legislative declaration 30‑20‑527
Procedure 30‑20‑528
Correction of faulty notices 30‑20‑529
Early hearings 30‑20‑530
County jurisdiction unimpaired 30‑20‑531
Method not exclusive 30‑20‑532
Confirmation of board actions and powers 30‑20‑533
Exemption from taxation 30‑20‑534
Limitation of actions 30‑20‑601
Power to make local improvements 30‑20‑601.5
Legislative declaration - inclusion of energy efficiency and renewable energy production projects in local improvement districts 30‑20‑602
Definitions 30‑20‑603
Improvements and funding authorized - how instituted - conditions - definitions 30‑20‑604
Cost assessed in accordance with benefits 30‑20‑604.5
District sales tax 30‑20‑605
Property of irregular form - assessment 30‑20‑606
Determination of special benefits - factors considered 30‑20‑607
Statement of expenses - apportionment 30‑20‑608
Notice of apportionment 30‑20‑609
Hearing on objections 30‑20‑610
Assessment constitutes a lien - filing with county clerk and recorder - corrections 30‑20‑611
Assessment roll 30‑20‑612
When assessments payable - installments 30‑20‑613
Effect of payment in installments 30‑20‑614
How installments paid - interest 30‑20‑615
Penalty for default - payment of balance 30‑20‑616
Payment in full - assessment roll returned - payment of share 30‑20‑617
Sale of property for nonpayment - county may purchase property on default 30‑20‑618
Power of board to contract debt - question submitted to voters 30‑20‑619
Issuing bonds - property specially benefited 30‑20‑619.5
Issuing refunding bonds 30‑20‑620
Bonds negotiable - interest 30‑20‑622
Contracts for construction - bond - default 30‑20‑623
Provisions to be inserted 30‑20‑624
Utility connections may be ordered before paving - costs - default 30‑20‑625
No action maintainable - exception - grounds - limitations 30‑20‑626
Requirements of publication of notice 30‑20‑627
Local improvements completed - dissolution 30‑20‑628
County treasurer - policies and procedures 30‑20‑701
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑702
County may establish districts 30‑20‑702.5
Acquisition of land by Larimer county authorized 30‑20‑703
Powers of county commissioners 30‑20‑704
Budget 30‑20‑705
Purpose 30‑20‑801
Creation of cemetery districts 30‑20‑802
Petition for creation of district 30‑20‑803
Board of directors - meetings 30‑20‑804
District officers 30‑20‑805
Powers of district 30‑20‑806
Taxation 30‑20‑807
Cemetery district fund 30‑20‑808
Abandoned graves - right to reclaim 30‑20‑901
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑902
Definitions 30‑20‑903
County authority relating to solid waste-to-energy incineration systems 30‑20‑904
Department of public health and environment rules 30‑20‑1001
Definitions 30‑20‑1002
Lead-acid batteries - disposal limitations 30‑20‑1003
Lead-acid batteries - collection for recycling 30‑20‑1004
Lead-acid battery wholesalers 30‑20‑1005
Used oil disposal limitations 30‑20‑1009
Inspection - enforcement - nuisances - violations - civil penalty 30‑20‑1010
Violation - penalty 30‑20‑1101
Short title 30‑20‑1102
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑1103
Definitions 30‑20‑1104
Integrated project delivery contracts - authorization - effect of other laws 30‑20‑1105
Integrated project delivery contracting process - prequalification of participating entities - apprentice training 30‑20‑1106
Requests for proposals - evaluation and award of integrated project delivery contracts 30‑20‑1107
Supplemental provisions 30‑20‑1108
Types of contracts 30‑20‑1201
Short title 30‑20‑1202
Definitions 30‑20‑1203
Eligible clean energy project financing - county approval - private activity bond financing 30‑20‑1301
Short title 30‑20‑1302
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑1303
Definitions 30‑20‑1304
Power to create federal mineral lease districts 30‑20‑1305.5
Powers of a district 30‑20‑1306
Board of directors - appointment or election - removal 30‑20‑1307
Board of directors - powers and duties 30‑20‑1401
Legislative declaration - rules - enforcement - recyclable material 30‑20‑1402
Definitions 30‑20‑1403
Waste tire fee - distribution - rules 30‑20‑1404
Waste tire administration, enforcement, market development, and cleanup fund - creation - rules 30‑20‑1405
End users fund - creation - quarterly rebates - rules - repeal 30‑20‑1407
Scope 30‑20‑1408
Waste tire haulers 30‑20‑1409
Waste tire generators - requirements - exemptions 30‑20‑1410
Used tire management 30‑20‑1411
Waste tire collection facility - requirements - exemptions 30‑20‑1412
Waste tire processors - requirements 30‑20‑1413
Mobile processors - requirements 30‑20‑1414
Limitations on the disposal of tires 30‑20‑1415
Waste tire monofills - requirements 30‑20‑1416
End users 30‑20‑1417
Decals - manifests
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑101
Definitions 30‑20‑101.5
Additional powers of the department - legislative declaration 30‑20‑102
Unlawful to operate site and facility without certificate of designation - rules - exceptions 30‑20‑102.5
Requirement for certificate of designation deemed satisfied - when 30‑20‑103
Application for certificate 30‑20‑103.5
Existing solid wastes disposal sites and facilities - application procedures 30‑20‑103.7
Review of applications by private contractors 30‑20‑104
Factors to be considered 30‑20‑104.5
Closure and postclosure care estimates - corrective action cost estimates - financial assurance requirements - rules 30‑20‑105
Certificate - state financial assurance requirements 30‑20‑107
Designation of exclusive sites and facilities 30‑20‑107.5
Operation of landfill gas facilities within solid wastes disposal sites and facilities 30‑20‑108
Contracts with governmental units authorized 30‑20‑109
Commission to promulgate rules - definitions 30‑20‑110
Minimum standards 30‑20‑110.5
Beneficial use of biosolids - water quality control commission to set fees - fund created - repeal 30‑20‑111
Departments to render assistance 30‑20‑112
Revocation of certificate 30‑20‑113
Inspection - enforcement - nuisances - violations - civil penalty 30‑20‑114
Violation - penalty 30‑20‑115
Solid wastes disposal site and facility fund - tax - fees 30‑20‑116
Privately owned solid wastes disposal site and facility - user fees 30‑20‑117
Siting and operation of solid waste-to-energy incineration system 30‑20‑118
Solid waste management fund - created 30‑20‑119
Disposal of low-level radioactive waste 30‑20‑120
Imminent and substantial endangerment from solid waste - definitions 30‑20‑122
Additional duties of the department - data collection on recycling, solid waste, and solid waste diversion - report 30‑20‑124
Closed landfill remediation grant program - creation - administration - application process - uses of grant program money - advisory committee - rules - fund - evaluation - report - definitions - repeal 30‑20‑201
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑202
Creation - proviso 30‑20‑203
Powers 30‑20‑204
Budget 30‑20‑205
Character of this part 2 30‑20‑301
Definitions 30‑20‑302
Public improvements within and without boundaries 30‑20‑303
Anticipation warrants 30‑20‑304
Power to lease 30‑20‑305
Terms and interest 30‑20‑306
Revenue and sinking fund - pledge of general income prohibited 30‑20‑307
Donations or gifts 30‑20‑308
Authentication before delivery 30‑20‑309
Obligations payable from project revenue only 30‑20‑310
Numbering and retirement 30‑20‑401
Definitions 30‑20‑402
Powers 30‑20‑403
Authorization of facilities and bonds 30‑20‑404
Bond provisions 30‑20‑405
Signatures on bonds 30‑20‑406
Tax exemption 30‑20‑407
Covenants in bond resolution 30‑20‑408
No county liability on bonds 30‑20‑409
Remedies of bondholders 30‑20‑410
Refunding bonds 30‑20‑411
Incontestable recital in bonds 30‑20‑412
Application of bond proceeds 30‑20‑413
Continuing rights of bondholders 30‑20‑414
Validation 30‑20‑415
Effect of and limitations upon validation 30‑20‑416
Compulsory sewer connections - owner to be notified 30‑20‑417
Resolution adopted 30‑20‑418
Cost of connection 30‑20‑419
Appropriation from system 30‑20‑420
Failure to pay rates and charges - lien 30‑20‑421
Prior rates and charges declared valid 30‑20‑422
Construction of this part 4 30‑20‑501
Short title 30‑20‑502
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑503
Definitions 30‑20‑504
Authority of governing body 30‑20‑505
Organization petition - contents 30‑20‑506
Bond of petitioners 30‑20‑507
Notice of hearing 30‑20‑508
Hearing - dismissal - findings - declaration - when action barred 30‑20‑509
Recording of resolution 30‑20‑510
Governing body constitutes board - duties 30‑20‑511
Meetings 30‑20‑512
General powers of district 30‑20‑512.5
Local improvement districts - authority to establish 30‑20‑513
Determination of special benefits - factors considered 30‑20‑514
Power to levy taxes 30‑20‑515
Determining and fixing rate of levy 30‑20‑516
Levies to cover deficiencies 30‑20‑517
County officers to levy and collect taxes - liens 30‑20‑518
Property sold for taxes 30‑20‑519
Reserve fund 30‑20‑520
Inclusion or exclusion - petition - notice - hearing - order 30‑20‑521
Liability of property 30‑20‑522
Board can issue bonds - form - legislative declaration 30‑20‑527
Procedure 30‑20‑528
Correction of faulty notices 30‑20‑529
Early hearings 30‑20‑530
County jurisdiction unimpaired 30‑20‑531
Method not exclusive 30‑20‑532
Confirmation of board actions and powers 30‑20‑533
Exemption from taxation 30‑20‑534
Limitation of actions 30‑20‑601
Power to make local improvements 30‑20‑601.5
Legislative declaration - inclusion of energy efficiency and renewable energy production projects in local improvement districts 30‑20‑602
Definitions 30‑20‑603
Improvements and funding authorized - how instituted - conditions - definitions 30‑20‑604
Cost assessed in accordance with benefits 30‑20‑604.5
District sales tax 30‑20‑605
Property of irregular form - assessment 30‑20‑606
Determination of special benefits - factors considered 30‑20‑607
Statement of expenses - apportionment 30‑20‑608
Notice of apportionment 30‑20‑609
Hearing on objections 30‑20‑610
Assessment constitutes a lien - filing with county clerk and recorder - corrections 30‑20‑611
Assessment roll 30‑20‑612
When assessments payable - installments 30‑20‑613
Effect of payment in installments 30‑20‑614
How installments paid - interest 30‑20‑615
Penalty for default - payment of balance 30‑20‑616
Payment in full - assessment roll returned - payment of share 30‑20‑617
Sale of property for nonpayment - county may purchase property on default 30‑20‑618
Power of board to contract debt - question submitted to voters 30‑20‑619
Issuing bonds - property specially benefited 30‑20‑619.5
Issuing refunding bonds 30‑20‑620
Bonds negotiable - interest 30‑20‑622
Contracts for construction - bond - default 30‑20‑623
Provisions to be inserted 30‑20‑624
Utility connections may be ordered before paving - costs - default 30‑20‑625
No action maintainable - exception - grounds - limitations 30‑20‑626
Requirements of publication of notice 30‑20‑627
Local improvements completed - dissolution 30‑20‑628
County treasurer - policies and procedures 30‑20‑701
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑702
County may establish districts 30‑20‑702.5
Acquisition of land by Larimer county authorized 30‑20‑703
Powers of county commissioners 30‑20‑704
Budget 30‑20‑705
Purpose 30‑20‑801
Creation of cemetery districts 30‑20‑802
Petition for creation of district 30‑20‑803
Board of directors - meetings 30‑20‑804
District officers 30‑20‑805
Powers of district 30‑20‑806
Taxation 30‑20‑807
Cemetery district fund 30‑20‑808
Abandoned graves - right to reclaim 30‑20‑901
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑902
Definitions 30‑20‑903
County authority relating to solid waste-to-energy incineration systems 30‑20‑904
Department of public health and environment rules 30‑20‑1001
Definitions 30‑20‑1002
Lead-acid batteries - disposal limitations 30‑20‑1003
Lead-acid batteries - collection for recycling 30‑20‑1004
Lead-acid battery wholesalers 30‑20‑1005
Used oil disposal limitations 30‑20‑1009
Inspection - enforcement - nuisances - violations - civil penalty 30‑20‑1010
Violation - penalty 30‑20‑1101
Short title 30‑20‑1102
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑1103
Definitions 30‑20‑1104
Integrated project delivery contracts - authorization - effect of other laws 30‑20‑1105
Integrated project delivery contracting process - prequalification of participating entities - apprentice training 30‑20‑1106
Requests for proposals - evaluation and award of integrated project delivery contracts 30‑20‑1107
Supplemental provisions 30‑20‑1108
Types of contracts 30‑20‑1201
Short title 30‑20‑1202
Definitions 30‑20‑1203
Eligible clean energy project financing - county approval - private activity bond financing 30‑20‑1301
Short title 30‑20‑1302
Legislative declaration 30‑20‑1303
Definitions 30‑20‑1304
Power to create federal mineral lease districts 30‑20‑1305.5
Powers of a district 30‑20‑1306
Board of directors - appointment or election - removal 30‑20‑1307
Board of directors - powers and duties 30‑20‑1401
Legislative declaration - rules - enforcement - recyclable material 30‑20‑1402
Definitions 30‑20‑1403
Waste tire fee - distribution - rules 30‑20‑1404
Waste tire administration, enforcement, market development, and cleanup fund - creation - rules 30‑20‑1405
End users fund - creation - quarterly rebates - rules - repeal 30‑20‑1407
Scope 30‑20‑1408
Waste tire haulers 30‑20‑1409
Waste tire generators - requirements - exemptions 30‑20‑1410
Used tire management 30‑20‑1411
Waste tire collection facility - requirements - exemptions 30‑20‑1412
Waste tire processors - requirements 30‑20‑1413
Mobile processors - requirements 30‑20‑1414
Limitations on the disposal of tires 30‑20‑1415
Waste tire monofills - requirements 30‑20‑1416
End users 30‑20‑1417
Decals - manifests