C.R.S. Section 31-30.5-702
Police officers’ old hire pension plans

  • municipalities under one hundred thousand in population


If an old hire member of any police department in a municipality having a population of less than one hundred thousand, while in the performance of the member’s duty or by reason of service in such department, becomes physically or mentally disabled and such disability is deemed to be of a temporary nature, the board of trustees shall retire the individual with a disability and shall authorize the payment to such individual, monthly, of an amount from the pension fund equal to the monthly compensation paid any such member as salary at the date of such disability, not to exceed a period of one year. For the purpose of determining the physical or mental disability of any such member, the board of trustees may personally examine the member or may appoint one or more physicians or surgeons to make an examination of the member and report their findings to the board, which report may be taken into consideration in determining whether the member has a physical or mental disability.


After any old hire member of any police department in a municipality having a population of less than one hundred thousand has been retired temporarily by reason of any disability, the board of trustees has the right at any time to cause such retired member to be brought before it and again examined by competent physicians or surgeons and has the right to examine other witnesses for the purpose of discovering whether such disability yet continues and whether such retired member should be continued on the pension roll, not to exceed a period of one year, or reinstated in the service of the police department, except in case of dismissal or resignation. Such retired member is entitled to notice and to be present at the hearing of any such evidence and may be represented by counsel. The retired member shall be permitted to propound any question pertinent or relevant to such matter and shall also have the right to introduce evidence on the member’s own behalf. All witnesses so produced shall be examined under oath, and any member of such board of trustees is authorized to administer such oath to such witnesses. The decision of such board shall be final.


If any old hire member or officer of any police department in a municipality having a population of less than one hundred thousand becomes mentally or physically disabled so as to render necessary the member’s retirement from service in such department, said board of trustees shall retire such member from service in such department, and the member shall receive from the pension fund an amount equal to one-half of the monthly salary received by the member at the time the member becomes so disabled. Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, when any old hire member of such police department or retired old hire member dies and leaves a surviving spouse or dependent parent or children under the age of sixteen years, surviving, the board of trustees shall authorize the payment monthly from the pension fund of the sum of thirty dollars to such surviving spouse or dependent parent and six dollars to each such minor child until the child reaches the age of sixteen years. No pension shall be paid to the dependent parent of the deceased member who leaves a surviving spouse, and, if the surviving spouse of any deceased member remarries, such pension shall cease.


In those municipalities making contributions from general funds into the old hire police officers’ pension plan pursuant to section 31-30.5-402, the benefits payable in the event an old hire member of such police department or retired member dies and leaves a dependent surviving spouse or dependent parent or children under the age of sixteen years shall be an amount equal to one-fourth the monthly salary received by the member of the department at the time the member died to such surviving spouse or dependent parent and an amount equal to one-eighth of the monthly salary received by the member of the department at the time the member died to each minor child until such child reaches the age of sixteen years. No pension shall be paid to the dependent parent of the deceased member who leaves a surviving spouse, and, if the surviving spouse of any deceased member remarries, such pension shall cease.


If at any time there is not sufficient money or other property in said pension fund to pay to each beneficiary the full amount per month to which such beneficiary is entitled, an equal percentage of such monthly payment shall be made to each, until such fund is so replenished as to warrant payment in full to each of such beneficiaries.

Source: Section 31-30.5-702 — Police officers’ old hire pension plans - municipalities under one hundred thousand in population, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-31.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Funds created
Board of trustees - firefighters’ old hire pension fund
Board of trustees - police officers’ old hire pension fund
Powers and duties of the board
Attorneys to advise
Warrants drawn
Method of payment
Fund not subject to levy
Idle funds
Plan amendment
Affiliation with the fire and police pension association
Qualification requirements - internal revenue code - definitions
Dissolution of fire departments
Legislative declaration
Limitation on existing funds - procedures
No change in employer obligation
Actuarial studies
State contribution
Sources of revenue for fund
Municipalities under fifty thousand - limit of contributions to old hire police officers’ pension plans
Employers under one hundred thousand - limit of contributions to old hire firefighter pension plans
Plans affiliated with the fire and police pension association
Old hire pension fund - investments
Insurance - investment by banks and trust companies
Alternative investment authority
Police officers’ old hire pension plans - municipalities under one hundred thousand in population
Firefighters’ old hire pension plans - municipalities and districts under one hundred thousand in population
Police officers’ old hire pension plans - municipalities of at least one hundred thousand in population
Firefighters’ old hire pension plans - municipalities of at least one hundred thousand in population
Police officers’ old hire pension plans - municipalities under one hundred thousand in population
Firefighters’ old hire pension plans - municipalities and districts under one hundred thousand in population
Police officers’ old hire pension plans - municipalities of at least one hundred thousand in population
Firefighters’ old hire pension plans - municipalities of at least one hundred thousand in population
Exempt alternative programs authorized
Exempt money purchase plan option
Investment authority
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 31-30.5-702’s source at colorado​.gov