C.R.S. Section 32-20-107
Special assessment constitutes lien

  • filing
  • sale of property for nonpayment


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A special assessment, together with all interest thereon and penalties for default in payment thereof, and associated collection costs constitutes, from the date of the recording of the assessing resolution and assessment roll pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, a perpetual lien in the amount assessed against the assessed eligible real property and has priority over all other liens; except that:


General property tax liens have priority over district special assessment liens;


A district special assessment lien has priority over preexisting liens only if each lienholder consents as specified in section 32-20-105 (3)(i) and each consent and the special assessment lien and special assessment roll are recorded in the real estate records of the county where the property is located. Before the recording of the special assessment lien and special assessment roll, the applicant must submit to the district:


Written consent to the special assessment by all individuals or entities shown on a commitment of title insurance as holders of mortgages or deeds of trust encumbering the applicant’s property; and


Evidence that there are no delinquent taxes, special assessments, or water or sewer charges on the property; that the property is not subject to a trust deed or other lien on which there is a recorded notice of default, foreclosure, or delinquency that has not been cured; and that there are no involuntary liens, including a lien on real property or on the proceeds of a contract relating to real property, for services, labor, or materials furnished in connection with the construction or improvement of the property.


Liens for assessments imposed by other governmental entities have coequal priority with district special assessment liens.


Neither the sale of eligible real property or tax liens in the district to enforce the payment of general ad valorem taxes nor the issuance of a treasurer’s deed in connection with the sale extinguishes the lien of a special assessment. If assessed eligible real property is subdivided, the board may apportion the special assessment lien in the manner provided in the assessing resolution.


The district shall transmit to a county clerk and recorder of a county that includes eligible real property included in the district copies of the district’s assessing resolution after its final adoption by the board and the assessment roll for recording on the land records of each unit of eligible real property assessed within the county as provided in article 30, 35, or 36 of title 38, C.R.S. The assessing resolution and assessment roll shall be indexed in the grantor index under the name of the district member and in the grantee index under the Colorado new energy improvement district. In addition, the county clerk and recorder shall file copies of the assessing resolution, after its final adoption by the board, and the assessment roll with the county assessor and the county treasurer. The county assessor is authorized to create separate schedules for each unit of eligible real property assessed within the county pursuant to the resolution.


No delays, mistakes, errors, or irregularities in any act or proceeding authorized or required by this article shall prejudice or invalidate any final special assessment, and such mistakes, errors, or irregularities may be remedied by subsequent filings, amending acts, or proceedings. A remedied special assessment takes effect as of the date of the original filing, act, or proceeding. If a court of competent jurisdiction sets aside any final assessment or if, for any other reason, the board determines it to be necessary to alter any final special assessment, the board, upon notice as required in the making of an original special assessment, may make a new special assessment in accordance with the provisions of this article.


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In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, the county treasurer shall advertise and sell the assessed eligible real property tax lien defaulted upon for the payment of the whole of the unpaid installment of principal and interest. Advertisements and sales shall be made at the same times, in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties, and with the same effect as provided by general law for sales of real property tax liens in default of payment of the general property tax.


At any tax lien sale by a county treasurer of any eligible real property, the board may participate in the tax lien sale auction by bidding on the lien for the district and receive certificates of purchase for the lien in the name of the district if it is the successful bidder. The certificates shall be received and credited at their face value, with all interest and penalties accrued, on account of the assessment installment in pursuance of which the sale was made. The board may thereafter sell the certificates at their face value, with all interest and penalties accrued, and assign the certificates to the purchaser in the name of the district. The board shall credit the proceeds of the sale to the fund created by resolution for the payment of the special assessments, respectively; except that, if the new energy improvements were financed under section 32-20-105 (3)(h), the board shall credit the proceeds of the tax lien sale to the private third party that financed the new energy improvements. If the district has repaid all special assessment bonds in full, the board may sell the certificates for the best price obtainable at public sale, at auction, or by sealed bids in the same manner and under the same conditions as provided in paragraph (d) of this subsection (4). Such assignments are without recourse, and the sale and assignments operate as a lien in favor of the purchaser and assignee as is provided by law in the case of sale of real estate in default of payment of the general property taxes.


The board, as a purchaser of tax liens, has the right to apply for tax deeds on certificates of purchase at any time after three years from the date of issuance of the certificates in accordance with article 11 of title 39, C.R.S., and the deeds shall be issued as provided by law for issuance of tax deeds for the nonpayment of the general property taxes or special assessments.


Cumulatively with all other remedies, the district, as the owner of property by virtue of a tax deed, may sell the property for the best price obtainable at public sale, at auction, or by sealed bids. A sale shall be held after public notice by the board to all persons having or claiming any interest in the eligible real property to be sold or in the proceeds of the sale by publication of the notice three times, a week apart, in a weekly or daily newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the property is located. The notice shall describe the property and state the time, place, and manner of receiving bids; except that the time fixed for the sale shall not be less than ten days after the last publication. The board may reject any and all bids. Any interested party, at any time within ten days after the receipt of bids for the sale of property, may file with the board a written protest as to the sufficiency of the amount of any bid made or the validity of the proceedings for the sale. If the protest is denied, the protestor, within ten days thereafter, shall commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin or restrain the board from completing the sale. If no such action is commenced, all protests or objections to the sale shall be waived, and the board shall then convey the property to the successful bidder by quitclaim deed.




The board shall credit the proceeds of any sale of property to the appropriate special assessment fund; except that, if the new energy improvements were financed under section 32-20-105 (3)(h), the board shall credit the proceeds of the sale to the private third party that financed the new energy improvements. The district shall deduct from the appropriate special assessment fund the necessary expenses in securing deeds and taking proceedings for the sale or foreclosure.


If a treasurer’s deed is issued for a property that is included within the district pursuant to section 32-20-105 and upon which a priority special assessment lien has been placed, the district shall use its reserve account to satisfy special assessment obligations of the property on behalf of the holder of the treasurer’s deed in accordance with the terms and duration specified in a written agreement between the county in which the property is located and the district.


When the district has sold or conveyed at a fair market value certificates of purchase or property that the district has acquired in satisfaction or discharge of special assessment liens, the sales and conveyances are hereby validated and confirmed as against all parties having or claiming any interest in the property or sale proceeds.

Source: Section 32-20-107 — Special assessment constitutes lien - filing - sale of property for nonpayment, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-32.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 32-20-107’s source at colorado​.gov