C.R.S. Section 32-4-526
Security details


Any securities in this part 5 authorized to be issued shall bear such date, shall be in such denomination, shall mature at such time but in no event exceeding forty years from their date, shall bear interest at a rate such that the net effective interest rate of the issue of securities does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized, which interest may be evidenced by one or two sets of coupons, payable annually or semiannually; except that the first coupon appertaining to any security may represent interest for any period, not in excess of one year, as may be prescribed by resolution or other instrument; and said securities and any coupons shall be payable in such medium of payment at any banking institution or such other place within or without the state, including but not limited to the office of the treasurer of any county in which the district is located wholly or in part, as determined by the board, and said securities at the option of the board may be in one or more series, may be made subject to prior redemption in advance of maturity in such order or by lot or otherwise at such time without or with the payment of such premium, not exceeding six percent of the principal amount of each security so redeemed, as determined by the board.


Any resolution authorizing the issuance of securities or other instrument appertaining thereto may capitalize interest on any securities during any period of construction estimated by the board and one year thereafter and any other cost of any project, by providing for the payment of the amount capitalized from the proceeds of the securities.


Securities may be issued with privileges for conversion or registration, or both, for payment as to principal or interest, or both; and where interest accruing on the securities is not represented by interest coupons, the securities may provide for the endorsing of payments of interest thereof; and the securities generally shall be issued in such manner, in such form, either coupon or registered, with such recitals, terms, covenants and conditions, and with such other details, as may be provided by the board in the resolution authorizing the securities, or other instrument appertaining thereto, except as otherwise provided in this part 5.


Any resolution authorizing the issuance of securities or any other instrument appertaining thereto may provide for their reissuance in other denominations in negotiable or nonnegotiable form and otherwise in such manner and form as the board may determine.


Subject to the payment provisions specifically provided in this part 5, said debentures, warrants, bonds, any interest coupons thereto attached, and such interim receipts or temporary certificates or temporary bonds, and notes shall be fully negotiable within the meaning of and for all the purposes of article 8 of title 4, C.R.S., except as the board may otherwise provide; and each holder of such security, or of any coupon appertaining thereto, by accepting such security or coupon shall be conclusively deemed to have agreed that such security or coupon, except as otherwise provided, is and shall be fully negotiable within the meaning and for all purposes of said article.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the board in any proceedings authorizing securities under this part 5:


May provide for the initial issuance of one or more securities, in this subsection (6) called “bond”, aggregating the amount of the entire issue;


May make such provision for installment payments of the principal amount of any such bond as it may consider desirable;


May provide for the making of any such bond payable to bearer or otherwise, registrable as to principal or as to both principal and interest, and where interest accruing thereon is not represented by interest coupons, for the endorsing of payments of interest on such bonds;


May further make provision in any such proceedings for the manner and circumstances in which any such bond may in the future, at the request of the holder thereof, be converted into bonds of smaller denominations, which bonds of smaller denominations may in turn be either coupon bonds or bonds registrable as to principal, or principal and interest, or both.


If lost or completely destroyed, any security may be reissued in the form and tenor of the lost or destroyed security upon the owner furnishing, to the satisfaction of the board: Proof of ownership; proof of loss or destruction; a surety bond in twice the face amount of the security and any coupons; and payment of the cost of preparing and issuing the new security.


Any security shall be executed in the name of and on behalf of the district and signed by the chairman of the board, with the seal of the district affixed thereto and attested by the secretary of the district.


Except for any bonds which are registrable for payment of interest, interest coupons payable to bearer and appertaining to the bonds shall be issued and shall bear the original or facsimile signature of the chairman of the board.


Any one of said officers, after filing with the secretary of state his manual signature certified by him under oath, may execute or cause to be executed with a facsimile signature in lieu of his manual signature any security authorized in this part 5, but such a filing is not a condition of execution with a facsimile signature of any interest coupon, and provided that at least one signature required or permitted to be placed on each such security, excluding any interest coupon, shall be manually subscribed. An officer’s facsimile signature has the same legal effect as his manual signature.


The secretary of the district may cause the seal of the district to be printed, engraved, stamped, or otherwise placed in facsimile on any security. The facsimile seal has the same legal effect as the impression of the seal.


The securities and any coupons bearing the signatures of the officers in office at the time of the signing thereof shall be binding obligations of the district, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and payment therefor, any or all of the persons whose signatures appear thereon shall have ceased to fill their respective offices.


Any officer in this part 5 authorized or permitted to sign any security or interest coupon, at the time of its execution and of the execution of a signature certificate, may adopt as his own facsimile signature the facsimile signature of his predecessor in office in the event that such facsimile signature appears upon the security or coupons appertaining thereto, or upon both the security and such coupons.


The securities may be repurchased by the district out of any funds available for such purpose from the project to which they pertain at a price of not more than the principal amount thereof and accrued interest, plus the amount of the premium, if any, which might on the next redemption date of such securities be paid to the holders thereof if such securities should be called for redemption on such date pursuant to their terms, and all securities so repurchased shall be canceled.


The resolution authorizing the securities or other instrument appertaining thereto may contain any agreement or provision customarily contained in instruments securing securities, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, covenants designated in section 32-4-529.

Source: Section 32-4-526 — Security details, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-32.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Purpose, boundaries, and powers
Board of directors
Powers of districts
Inclusion of territory
Unincorporated territory
Inclusion of incorporated areas
Exclusion of unincorporated areas
Exclusion election
Exclusion of incorporated areas
Liability of property included
Liability of property excluded
Budget law
Dissolution of district
Legislative declaration
Liberal construction
Sufficiency of part 5
Limitation on scope of part 5
Purpose, boundaries, and powers
Powers of public bodies
Board of directors
Powers of the district
Levy and collection of taxes
Boundary changes - liability of property
Inclusion of territory
Annexation and consolidation of territory by municipalities
Exclusion of territory
Service of areas outside the boundaries of the district
Dissolution of districts
Correction of faulty notices
Early hearings
Rates and service charges
Form of borrowing
Payment of securities
Incontestable recital in securities
Security details
Sale of securities
Application of proceeds
Covenants in security proceedings
Remedies of security holders
Cancellation of paid securities
Interest after maturity
Refunding bonds
Cumulative rights of security holders
Issuance of notes and pledge of bonds as collateral security
Connections with existing drains and pumping stations
Connections with drains serving property - service charges
Construction of other sewage disposal systems prohibited
Publication of resolution or proceedings - effect - right to contest legality - time limitation
Confirmation of contract proceedings
Preliminary expenses
Tax exemption
Freedom from judicial process
Legal investments in securities
Misdemeanors and civil rights
Effect of and limitations upon validation
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 32-4-526’s source at colorado​.gov