C.R.S. Section 32-7-110
Board of directors


The governing body of the service authority shall be a board of directors in which all legislative power of the service authority is vested. In those service authorities having a population in excess of five hundred thousand, the board shall consist of fifteen members, all of whom shall reside in and be elected by the eligible electors of the respective districts. In those service authorities having a population of at least fifty thousand but not more than five hundred thousand, the board shall consist of nine members, all of whom shall reside in and be elected by the eligible electors of the respective districts. In those service authorities having a population of less than fifty thousand, the board shall consist of five members, all of whom shall reside in and be elected by the eligible electors of the respective districts. At the formation election, the terms for representatives from odd-numbered districts shall continue until their successors are elected at the second general election thereafter and are qualified, and the terms for those elected from even-numbered districts shall continue until their successors are elected at the first general election thereafter and are qualified. Thereafter all terms shall be for four years. For the first five years after formation of any service authority, or until January 1, 1980, whichever occurs first, the members shall be eligible electors of the service authority and shall be elected from among the mayors, councilpersons, trustees, and county commissioners holding office at the time of their election in municipalities and counties within or partially within the authority. Thereafter, any eligible elector of the service authority shall be eligible to hold office. Notwithstanding any provision in the charter of any municipality or county to the contrary, mayors, councilpersons, trustees, and county commissioners may additionally hold elective office with the service authority and be compensated as provided in this section.


At least ninety days prior to the first general election after the formation of the service authority, the board may change the boundary of any board of director district within the service authority. Thereafter such boundaries may be changed no more frequently than every four years or after announcement of the results of a decennial census. The board shall redistrict only by resolution passed by a majority of the members elected to the board, and any such redistricting shall be such as to provide compact districts of approximately equal population. No redistricting shall extend or shorten the term of office of any member of the board.


The board has power, by appointment, to fill all vacancies on the board, and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next general election and until a successor is elected and qualified. Any person so appointed shall reside in the district in which the vacancy occurred. If the term of the member creating the vacancy extends beyond the next general election, the appointment shall be for the unexpired term.


The board shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary, and such other officers as it deems necessary. The president and vice-president must be members of the board. The board may appoint a chief administrator, who shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The board shall prescribe by resolution the duties of said officers pursuant to the powers granted in this article. In addition to other powers provided by resolution, the president shall preside over meetings of the board and shall vote as a member of the board. All special and regular meetings of the board shall be held at locations which are within the boundaries of the district or which are within the boundaries of any county in which the district is located, in whole or in part, or in any county so long as the meeting location does not exceed twenty miles from the district boundaries. The provisions of this subsection (4) governing the location of meetings may be waived only if the following criteria are met:


The proposed change of location of a meeting of the board appears on the agenda of a regular or special meeting of the board; and


A resolution is adopted by the board stating the reason for which a meeting of the board is to be held in a location other than under the provisions of this subsection (4) and further stating the date, time, and place of such meeting.


The board may provide by resolution for the compensation of its members in the amount of fifty dollars for each day a member is necessarily engaged in the business of the authority, in addition to the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by each member while so engaged. Except for the initial board, the compensation of a member shall not be increased nor diminished during his term of office.


Except as specifically provided otherwise, a majority of board members shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of the members of the board shall be necessary for any action taken by the board except that a majority of a quorum may adjourn from day to day.


In addition to any acts of the board specifically required to be accomplished by resolution, any action adopting or revising a budget, appropriating funds, establishing the administrative organization and structure, or promulgating regulations enforceable by fine or penalty shall be passed by resolution. Resolutions promulgating regulations enforceable by fine or penalty shall be published one time prior to final passage and within fourteen days after passage; publication after final passage may be by reference. At least six days shall elapse between introduction and final passage of a resolution. Such resolution shall not take effect and be enforced until the expiration of thirty days after final passage except resolutions calling for special elections or those necessary to the immediate preservation of the public health or safety, which shall contain the reasons making the same necessary in a separate section. The excepted resolutions shall take effect in five days, if passed by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members of the board. All other actions of the board may be accomplished by motion.


Any board member may be recalled from office pursuant to the provisions and subject to the conditions of part 1 of article 12 of title 1, C.R.S.


Any resolution may be referred to or initiated by the eligible electors in accordance with the provisions and subject to the conditions of sections 31-11-104 and 31-11-105, C.R.S.


It is the duty of the board to comply with the provisions of parts 1, 5, and 6 of article 1 of title 29, C.R.S. It is the further duty of the board to publish the results of its annual audit statement or report which shall be certified by the person making the audit, or by the governing body, if unaudited, in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the service authority. Such publication shall be no later than thirty days following completion of the audit statement or report.


The fiscal and budget year for all service authorities organized or operating under the provisions of this article shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.

Source: Section 32-7-110 — Board of directors, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-32.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Territorial requirements for service authorities
Petition or resolution for formation - designation of services
Priority of petition or resolution
Court appoints an organizational commission and election committee
Service authority organizational commission
Election for formation, selection of services, and initial board of directors
Board of directors
Designation of services
Local authorization of functions, services, and facilities
General powers
Duties related to planning powers
Ancillary powers
Powers to be exercised without franchise - condition
Revenues of service authority - collection
Levy and collection of taxes
Levies to cover deficiencies
Power to issue revenue bonds - terms
Power to incur indebtedness - interest - maturity - denominations
Debt question submitted to electors - resolution
Effect - subsequent elections
Correction of faulty notices
Refunding bonds
Limitations upon issuance
Use of proceeds of refunding bonds
Combination of refunding and other bonds
Board’s determination final
Anticipation warrants
Inclusion - counties - municipality - existing service authority - procedures
Special taxing districts authorized
Formation of special taxing districts
Local improvement districts authorized
Procedures to establish local improvement districts
Special districts - transfer of responsibility
Special districts - formation within service authority territory forbidden
Transfer and assumption of services
Payments for facilities acquired by regional service authority - valuation
Public transportation
Sewage collection, treatment, and disposal
Urban drainage and flood control
Assumption of services by a service authority in the Denver metropolitan area
Early hearings
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 32-7-110’s source at colorado​.gov