C.R.S. Section 32-8-124.7
Property of Moffat tunnel improvement district


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The department shall have the authority to convey or transfer ownership of all tangible property, real and personal, or any interest therein owned by the district for fair market value. Each user shall have the right to purchase, to the extent of its use, real property interests of the district at fair market value, which shall be determined pursuant to the appraisal procedures of the department. Fair market value, as used in this section, shall not include any improvements or the value of any improvements owned or paid for by the user. In addition, when determining fair market value of any portion of or interest in the real property of the district, the value or detriment of any lease, license, or permit granted for the benefit of the party acquiring such real property shall not be considered. Each user shall also have a commercially reasonable right of first refusal to purchase at the fair market value, to the extent of its use, any real property interest offered for conveyance.


The purchaser of any real property or interest therein of the district, whether the purchaser is a current user or any other party, shall take the property subject to then existing leases, contracts for use, licenses, or other encumbrances on or obligations relating to the property and the right of the district, and its successors and assigns, to reasonable access across the interests conveyed for access to the tunnel.


Proceeds from any conveyance shall be used first for the expenses of the conveyance. Expenses of conveyance, including administrative costs incurred by the state and legal and other costs incurred in connection with the sale of the property of the district, shall not in the aggregate exceed four percent of the purchase price of the property being conveyed. Any remaining proceeds shall be immediately transferred to the counties and the city and county of Denver included, in whole or in part, in the district as specified in section 32-8-102, in such proportion as the total amount of taxes and assessments received by the district from each county or the city and county of Denver and its taxpayers since the district’s creation is to the total of all taxes and assessments received by the district from those sources since the district’s creation. Proceeds may be transferred directly to the counties and the city and county of Denver in conjunction with the closing of the sale of the property of the district, or they may be credited first to the cash fund created in section 32-8-126 before being immediately transferred to the counties and the city and county of Denver.


The department may adopt reasonable procedures consistent with this article for the disposition of property of the district. All dispositions shall be made at fair market value and unencumbered except to the extent provided in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section. All conveyances of property shall be made in the name of the “Moffat tunnel improvement district, by and through the department of local affairs of the state of Colorado acting as the Moffat tunnel commission under authority of section 32-8-124.7, C.R.S.”

Source: Section 32-8-124.7 — Property of Moffat tunnel improvement district, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-32.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 32-8-124.7’s source at colorado​.gov